Cai Tai Ro



6 years, 2 months ago


【 Name 】 Cai Tai Ro
【 Birthplace 】 Geronimo
【 Called 】 Cai, Cai Tai, CT, Cap/Cap'n
【 Occupation 】 Member of Hidden Holy Division (Formerly)
【 Age 】 25 years old
【 Affiliation 】 The Fragment
【 Gender 】 Male
【 Marital Status 】 Single
【 Sexuality 】 Heterosexual
【 Health Status 】 Deceased
【 Race 】 God
【 HTML 】 lowkeywicked
【 Likes 】
  • Adventure
  • Drinking
  • Women
  • Crew
【 Dislikes 】
  • Corruption
  • Discrimination
  • Hangovers
  • Squids
【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Patience 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】


Cai Tai Ro was of around average height and a rather muscular man, standing at 5ft 9 with spiky magenta hair and heterochromatic eyes, his left eye being blue and his right being green. Another notable trait of his other than his heterochromia, is his robotic left leg - why he had it is unknown. He also had a double loop earring in his right ear.

He had numerous tattoos: two stripes above and below an upright crucifixion cross on both of his upper arms and a large standalone flame on his back, all in orange.

His main attire was a blue, short sleeved overcoat that had magenta and green circles on its shoulders, green trimming and a magenta flame pattern at the bottom, black fingerless glove on right hand and black fingerless arm warmer on left hand, blue loose trousers and black boots.


Having been the captain of a crew and a Councillor whilst alive, he had a good sense of teamwork as well as leadership. He had a devil-may-care attitude for many things, however, he would become be serious when he needed to be. He was also a smooth talker and was good with negotiations. He was one for sleeping with many women, though this reduced more and more the further he and Dana bonded.


Not too much is known about his past before meeting Adamadih and Dana, apart from him already being the captain of The Fragment and a member of the Hidden Holy Division. He arrived at Novae Zhuwli and found the two with Dana seriously hurt, he helped them out and the three bonded. Despite being not related, they were so close it was as though they were family. Dana and Adamadih met his pirate team and then they too made their own pirate teams, they became their own fleet, in a way.

One day, they found themselves fighting against enemies whose vessels had overwhelming firepower, once onboard the vessel, they fought the crew then Dana got her leg cut off, Cai Tai Ro gave her his own robotic leg and said he’d ambush them. Her and Adamadih ended up surrounded then he appeared, after claiming to have rigged the part of the vessel they were in with explosives, he caused a distraction allowing the three to escape, but with only one leg he knew he was just going to slow them down.

He sent them out of the vessel but was caught in the blast, he was sent crashing into a nearby asteroid, once aboard his ship, they tried to heal him but the damage was “critical, critical”. He died with only Dana and Adamadih beside him since his crew was wiped out. His coffin was taken to Geronimo where he was awarded for his bravery and was buried there.


  • Superhuman Physiology: being a God, he possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses and agility superior to any human.
  • Regeneration: he is able to heal from nearly all wounds, however, excessive use can strain him, it requires a "cool-down time" and the more severe a wound, the longer it takes (though often the time gap isn't too noticeable).
  • Sorcery: after joining Cai Tai Ro's crew, he and Dana learned some sorcery, which has continued to grow. This allows him to do things like create a barrier around himself, deconstruct and reconstruct his surroundings and more.
Adamadihn Etos

Ally (Formerly), Crewmate (Formerly)

Dana Etos

Ally (Formerly), Crewmate (Formerly), Lover (Formerly)

Alvis Vivek-Cato

Mentor (Formerly)

  • A bit before his death he acknowledged that Dana had feelings for him and they started to get closer though whether they fully dated is uncertain.
  • He was the one who bought Adamadih his tricorn hat.
  • He hated squids because as a kid, he was "attacked" by one while at a beach.