Dissociation's Comments

HELLO!!! ITS ME AGAIN!!! I really liked this one panel of the Angel and I wanted to draw something for you!!... SO I DID A REDRAW...... GAHH I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!  (I hope its okay that I posted this here!!)DISASSOCIATION%20FANART.png

HELLO YESSS!! IT IS OKAY TO POST HERE!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I SAW THIS THE OTHER DAY AND WAS SO OVERJOYED!! ive been busy this weekend and havent had time to respond as quickly as i want but this is amazing!!! your art is BAD ASS!!! and your coloring is to die for, i love the shades you used and how you really highlighted him!!!!!! this has made my week!!! thank you so much for taking time out to do it!!!! IM CRSDAGSDAGHSG i just!! keep smiling!

AHH HELLO HELLO!! YOU'RE WELCOME!! IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!! :) no worries, ive been busy too! TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENTS... EEEE!!! YOUR ART IS AWESOME TOO! <3  i cant wait to see more of your amazing work!! :D