


1 year, 3 months ago


Short Bio


         Name: Ana [Smith]

         Aliases: ANAglyph, Star Student

         Appearance: [BLURB IS W.I.P.]

         Personality:   Ana is a stoic but shy individual, often coming across as cold or distant to those around her. She has a no-nonsense attitude and takes her responsibilities as a Magical Girl very seriously. She cant quite fully understand the risks and dangers of her powers but does her best and always believes shes prepared to do what needs to be done, even if it means sacrificing her own well-being..

Ana is not particularly social and tends to keep to herself. The few friends she has she holds close to her, considering them more tight-knit than other team members. She is normally not afraid to speak her mind and is often the voice of reason in group situations. While she is not one to initiate conversation, she is always willing to offer advice or assistance to her fellow classmates when they need it. Despite her serious demeanor, she does have a softer side that she only shows to those she trusts. She cares deeply about her fellow magical girls and will do whatever it takes to get the job done safely.

Overall, Ana is a serious and dedicated Magical Girl who understands the dangers and responsibilities that come with her powers. Her stoic demeanor may make her seem cold to those around her, but she is always willing to put herself on the line to protect others.

         Powers:   Ana possesses unique powers that are focused on creating time portals at will and defensive super sonic screams. With her time portal abilities, she can manipulate time and space by creating rift portals. She must be careful as using these powers could take quite a toll on her mental and physical health. More information on these abilities to follow...

Extended Cut


Being part of the first ever trials of Magical Girls, Ana's file is probably the longest in the training and medical research as the scientist would note any and every change while running the first rounds of tests.

Date of acceptance into the program

Unique identification number or code | Expiration date or duration of authorization

Special privileges, duties or responsibilities of being a Magical Girl, if any.

          Personality Extras: While her shyness may make her appear mysterious or enigmatic to others, Ana has some interesting issues and quirks. For one, her unique time portal powers make it a bit difficult for her to relate to others. She can alter time and space in ways that others can't, and this often leads to her having feelings of isolation/alienation among her team. Using her powers takes a toll on her mental health, leading her to withdraw from others and avoid forming close relationships. Her time manipulation powers contribute to terrible memory issues. Constantly shifting timelines and altering the course of events make it extremely difficult for her to keep track of what has actually happened and what has been altered. This often leads to a sense of disorientation and confusion, which in turn further exacerbates her shyness. Ana is also prone to daydreaming or losing track of time. She has a particular fascination with her own history, as her powers allow her to interact with certain time periods in unique ways.

Ana also suffers from a form of astigmatism where she sees everything through a low-grade 3D anaglyph effect, experiencing a range of daily struggles and challenges along with it. An exerpt taken directly from her redacted medical chart:

 "Patient is ▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ ▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ with astigmatism in both eyes. She experiences a low-grade 3D anaglyph effect, causing difficulties with depth and color perception. Patient reports frequent headaches and eye strain, which have been managed with the use of clunky 3D polarized glasses.

 Patient reports occasional difficulty with using her powers during combat, which may be related to her visual impairment. Ongoing communication with patient regarding her visual symptoms and any new developments is recommended in further follow-ups to ensure the best possible management of her astigmatism. Further testing may be necessary to fully understand the extent and impact of patient's astigmatism on her health and wellbeing."

Ana has been prescribed clunky 3D polarized glasses to manage her astigmatism. She reports that the glasses are effective in reducing headaches and eye strain, but has expressed concern about their appearance. Still, despite not adoring the nerdy look, her glasses should be worn at all times to ensure the best possible visual acuity and to prevent further strain or discomfort.... of course she doesnt wear them!

          In-Depth Look at Powers and Abilities:    For defense, Ana has the power of super sonic screams. She can create splitting headaches and shockwaves that can knock down opponents or deflect incoming attacks. Her defensive screams are a tactical tool that allow her to evade attacks and gain an advantage over her enemies. The sudden high-pitched frequency of her scream has a negative sensory affect on her opponents (or unlucky teammates) perception. They may experience ringing in their ears or disorientation from the sudden loud noise, making it difficult for them to react or think clearly. Together, these unique abilities make her a formidable and strategic defender of her world, but she must be careful to use her powers responsibly and in moderation to avoid negative consequences.

Possible further health risks are still being studied.

"Created in-house under top secret orders, the Power Vest is designed to enhance your magical abilities and keep you safe. However, we want to remind you that with great power comes great responsibility..."      For regulation and training purposes, all rookie Magical Girls are required to go through their first trials of training using the programs patented Power Vest.

          Possible Magical Girl Health Problems and Warnings:

  Magical Girl's powers are achieved through a special radiation poisoning, the scientists and doctors involved in all fitness tests and wellness checks might note the following in all Magical Subjects charts to be on the look out for:

  • Any signs of radiation sickness or related health issues, such as nausea, fatigue, and decreased immune function.
  • Abnormalities in blood cell counts and markers of radiation exposure, such as the presence of radioactive isotopes.
  • Changes in metabolic rates or hormone levels that may affect the Magical Girl's overall health and well-being.
  • Any changes in the size, shape, or function of organs that may have been affected by the radiation exposure.
  • Physical fitness indicators, such as cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance.
  • Mental and emotional health indicators, such as mood, cognitive function, and stress levels.
  • Any side effects of the Magical Girl's powers or use of them, such as increased energy demands or tissue damage.
"The Magical Girl Program is a government-sponsored initiative that allows individuals to gain superhuman abilities through controlled exposure to radiation. However, radiation exposure can have potentially harmful effects on the body, including an increased risk of cancer and other health issues. Therefore, the government agency running this program requires all participants to undergo regular medical testing and monitoring to ensure their health and well-being. By accepting entry into the Magical Girl Program, participants acknowledge and accept these risks and agree to undergo any necessary testing or treatment to maintain their health. The government agency is not responsible for any health issues that arise from participation in this program, and participants waive their right to pursue legal action against the agency in the event of any health issues. The agency cannot be held responsible for any adverse health effects that may result from participation in the Magical Girl Program. By accepting the Certificate of Authentication, you acknowledge and accept the potential health risks and responsibilities of being a Magical Girl."