Inuzuka Ashi



1 year, 3 months ago


Ashi was born into the Inuzuka clan into one of the side branches. She was given Kamen (meaning mask) by her mother. Kamen is the pup of her mother's ninken, a single pup litter. Her mother was teaching a squad of genin at the time, but Ashi was still in the shinobi academy, the right age to be getting a pup. Kamen was given shortly before her mother went on a long escort mission, to help her feel less lonely. Sadly, her mother passed away on that mission, as did her ninken and her students. A complete wipe, an absolute tragedy.

For a while, Ashi struggled to connect to Kamen, as he reminded her of her mother and the memories were fresh and painful. But eventually this turned around. Inuzuka are already close to their ninken, but Ashi especially so, as Kamen is all she has left. 

Ishi is now a genin herself, a student of Furukawa Kazue. She's bold and brave and intends to make her brother proud! 


- She is an Inuzuka, a ninja clan specializing in nin-ken, aka ninja canines.

- Insane sense of smell, she could fight blinded using only her nose, or track foes for miles.

- The Inuzuka clan is matriarchal, so she tends to be a bit more bossy to guys. 

- She always carries a lucky charm on her hip, a graduation gift from her father.

- Her mother was defeated by hidden mist nin, so she holds a grudge against them.

- She loves anything spicy, but can't stand fish, mostly due to the smell. 

- Kamen is an absolute snugglebug.

- Ashi has notable fangs. 

- Ashi and Kamen have mastered the Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double Headed Wolf

- Whilst in Double Headed Wolf form, they took a severe hit. As a result, Ashi and Kamen have identical scars.

- Ashi is currently 14 years old, and is deadset on becoming chunin!