plum gardenia



1 year, 4 months ago


PLUM / 17 / SHE+THEY / TRANS GIRL Plum grew up on a farm so her life was always pretty peaceful. She didn’t have much to worry about besides taking care of the plants she was growing. She lives with her sister, Ruth, and a rather large axolotl named Lots whom she found in a huge body of water while out exploring a nearby forest. Lots decided he was going to adopt Plum because she seemed weak so he lives on the farm with her now. Ruth was a little weirded out by it at first but soon came to accept that having Lots was a huge help because of her job in the city. Plum didn’t have a lot of connection to the outside world until Lots came along which attracted the attention of some neighboring trolls who like to visit her and check up on her! They are very sweet and Plum adores all her new friends. Plum likes to keep other wild lusii on her farm to keep them safe from the people who hunt them. She’s very against the killing of any creature so she would willingly put her life in danger for all of them. She makes sure not to treat them like pets and lets them never whenever they please but always makes sure to let them know they have a safe space on the farm if the time comes.