Wrede ★



6 years, 2 months ago



Story in: "Eternal Elements" ~ Main Character

Hair Color: golden brown

Eye Color: Gray

Age: ~17 ish

Stand-offish, lack of confidence, stern, doesn't trust easily, emotionally unstable

He was born with only one eye and something unnatural covers the area where his other eye should be, he always wears a eyepatch to hide the disfigurement. His family has carried a curse for many generations, and he is affected by it much worse then any of his recent ancestors (his curse may affect him even worse then the curse originally placed on the owl sage).

Another effect of the curse it that his spirit beast form and human form were merged and he has great horned owl wings on the back of his human form, and isn't really human or beast. he generally wears cloak to keep his wings hidden.

((His ancestor, known as the owl sage, aided the Hero of the Elements in her journey to gain a power for humanity to protect themselves from the demons that were invading Earth after the third world war tore open the boundary separating Earth and Hell, and the owl sage was cursed by a powerful demon during this journey)

Is an outcast of his village, but due to the respect of his heritage he isn't completely banished and lives on the outskirts of the village and is often out in the fields working as a shepherd. 

Has dark element magic- basically relates to the dark (lack of light), think debuffs. (has no correlation to good/evil)

Art Permissions

!! do not draw any part of his face that's covered with the eyepatch!! 

Feel free to change design/color on the eyepatch though

- generally wears cloaks/ robes etc to hide his wings (great horned owl)

-no NSFW