Aquamarine (Aqua) the Siren



1 year, 3 months ago


Aquamarine is a living nshard of the master emerald, brought to life by the tears of chaos, protected by the echidna tribe, one guardian after another.

Aqua has been alive for THOUSANDS of years, being immortal she doesn’t have the ability to age both physically and cosmetically but Being immortal takes a toll on the poor gemstone, sense the Echidna’s she grew up with she had to watch wither and parish of natural causes.

After another one of her guardians passed, a new candidate stepped up to bare the responsibilities, Tikal the Echidna. Tikal was the first (And currently) the only female to guard both the master emerald and aqua

The two fell in love, gemstone and echidna until the tragedy happened

The village engulfed in flames, mother and child fleeing to safety. Sadly Tikal had passed away in the chaos of the riot.

Losing her friends to natural causes was always hard to bare, but this was different. Aquamarine had never felt so helpless, full of grief. Aqua blamed the rest of the tribe for Tikal’s demise, her heart full of hate she attacked. Blinded by rage she would avenge her beloved Tikal.

Aqua caused so much destruction and terror wiping out a majority of the tribe. with the last of his energy the chief sealed aqua inside the master emerald. Where she remained trapped in her crystalline prison until an evil genius accidentally set her free.

Dr. Ivo robotnik.

Aqua’s first response was to attack, revealing her exquisite powers to the Doctor. Robotnik would take a different approach, toying with her emotions. Promising her that if she fought beside him he would supply her with the power, and equipment to fulfill her revenge.

It was a race for the chaos emeralds! For that annoying blue rat was after them as well. But everything was going quite well, with every emerald she absorbed she grew stronger and bigger. They had successfully collected all seven! Her vengeance was certain.

But of course the blue hedgehog soon foiled their plans, defeating aquamarine and saving station square. Not even 24 hours after her defeat aqua was captured by G.U.N and Studied for her unique appearance and powers, she remained in custody of G.U.N kept in a kennel full of other strange creatures like herself. Of course aqua absolutely hated being confined. So she managed to break out, nearly free from G.U.N!! Her frantic escape resulted in three accidental casualties of the soldiers trying to peruse her. Alas she was caught once again, this time she was heavily restrained and isolated from all the other creatures. She was deemed “Too Dangerous” to be kept with the rest of the detainees.

So aqua was used as a test subject, she often found herself strapped down to a cold metal table, sometimes inappropriately taken advantage of by the Guards ensuring she wouldn’t escape. Aqua remained in custody for the entirety of sa2 and heroes. And It wasn’t until shadow applied for G.U.N that he found himself wandering the premises. Accidentally stumbling upon the small frail siren, they kept her in a small glass chamber, heavily restrained. Shadow was disgusted they were keeping her here- treating her like some monster. Using his chaos powers he freed her, maiming every soldier that got in his way, before their escape shadow preformed a chaos blast!! Completely destroying the building. Shadow took the fuzzy little siren in and nursed her back to health, the two clicked instantly.

Although they both couldn’t understand each other too well they enjoyed the company. Years pass as shadow and Aqua finally marry!! They go on to have three children. Blu, obsidian and Maria.