Elliot & Lutsa



1 year, 4 months ago


My best couple that my brain gave out - Lutsa and Elliot! There seems to be nothing special about them, but their relationship and friendship sink into the heart, and although my comic is dead, they are still alive in my soul.

Since I’m unlikely to ever draw their story, I’ll tell you briefly.

Luca and Elliot met when they were very young. The Lutsa's family, being merchants and well-connected in the government, quickly got rich and moved near the estate of the Elliot family (I forgot what surname I came up with there). The fathers of the families were friends, so at that time the children met.

At that time, Elliot's mother only became seriously ill, and his father was busy with politics - at that time it was very stressful - so little Elliot would be left almost to himself (he was 5 years old). Lutsa-Lutsa was asked to look after the child (she was 16 years old). She spent a lot of time with him, she felt sorry for him, because her mother died not so long ago (there was a local corona-plague). So they became attached to each other and became good friends.

To Elliot, Lutsa seemed perfect - a beautiful kind girl who knows how to curse funny and joke - so he childishly promised to marry her. Despite the fact that Lutsa considered this a joke, he did not stop trying, and even after becoming a full-fledged adult, he tried to persuade her to marry him. At some point, Lutsa fell in love with him not as a small child, but as girls love men. But at that time the last king had already died, the Luca family had lost most of their fortune. The girl was convinced that he would be better off without her - he is a nobleman and a simple merchant's daughter is not a match for him.

Elliot, in turn, refused to admit it, and everyone believed that he was not good enough. He was a couple of centimeters shorter than Lutsa - he began to wear heels. He was not strong enough and courageous enough - he joined the royal guard.