

An strange blind creature that hunts the docks and pirate ships, always accompanied by the uncomfortable noise of chains being dragged on the floor, the strong smell of salty water and blood.
Her victims always says that she's always loudly screamming things like "bro... ther", "", "when... is" while she atacks.


Nicknames: The devil of the docks, the drowned spirit and soul of the sea.
Age: Young (in max. 13 years).
Draconic Ability: Singing, Underwater breath, Swimming proficiency, Water bending and production, Water vision (seeing everything that water touches).
IQ: [unspecified]
Size: 4,5 feet (1m40cm).
Pronoums: It.
Sexual orientation: [unspecified]
Associations/Groups: [unspecified]
Fighting Style AKA Aproach: Flooding the place with water, then suddenly rising up in high speed to rip apart the body parts of the target (usually with her teeths and/or claws).
Weapons (proficiencies): Whips (Chains) and spears.
Addictions: eating rotten food and trash.
Hobbys and entertainments: Humming, swiming on the sea, playing with sea creatures and collecting things that's lost on the sea.
Dislikes: Adults, strange peoples, interaction, talk, being restrained/caged or trapped, pirates, merchants, carrots, staying out of the sea for too long, being hunted, hot things, fire and sharp things.
Favorite animal: Turtles.
Favorite food: Chocolate and candys (that she founds out on trash piles).