


1 year, 3 months ago



name: william capuchon (redacted) "capuche_"
nickname(s): capuche, cap, cup, capuchon, william, liam, yeah there is a lot.
kanji: no
ethnicity: shapeshifter ig
pronouns: he/they
gender: non binary
age: vague, 16/17 ig ?
birthday: wow idk

sonna, used for minecraft storyline but also for a bit of what i can do on internet, he's a charming fella aha, traumatised character ig, pretty nice for his own good. stop being annoyingly naive my guy you are just hurting yourself at this point (he have a LOT of lore and multiple version of himself, here its kinda sums up but outdated, i have an entire FOLDER just for him, so if you want his entire story its there)


kind jumpy Curious

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


friends, having fun, knoweldge, nature


haxes, wonder why huh ? silence, small places

usually, since its a shifter character tat kinda adapt to the story i'm putting him into, we could say that he don't really have a consistent personality, that it exist as much version of capuche that ive created stories for him. but, he's always doing the same mistakes. so i guess he have one. he is one of my sonas after all.

capuche is a kind soul. always have been. his goal are some kind of utopic peace. often, he is researching someone, and always make the error of settle in. he always want to make friend and have fun, being to curious for his own good. he is also a empathetic person, that want good for everyone. kinda cliche huh ? the good and happy soul with a kind heart, always being stepped on with time. even if it seems to be in luck with leader role, often being look up too, it dosent stay like that and change fast. he know how to carry responsability but often ignore it to be the iresponsible one for fun sake. when hurt,he is gonna be warry and prudent, trying to understand why, but also wanna try to put everyone he know in safety if they can be affected by the situation. capuche is always desesperatly tring to reach for fun adventures and friendship, but often led to desilusion and hurt. his biggest flaw is his loyalty. if he trust you, oh your gonna have fun hurt him, he will never leave. denial is one of his best friend.

I. plagiat
plagiat was quite something huh ? in this sever, capuche was a runnaway, trying to flee a boring city life for a great life in the woods. take the first "car" to as far as possible. in the cold of the north, he meet flefya, and a quite others guys. with her, this fucking hippie create the falaise (the cliff) to make a town for a few people. sensing one of their friend just going away of everyone and becoming more powerfull, he decide with flefya, that have his trust at the time to create an alliance, fognest, to take him down.
little did he know that said flefya was betraying him for the man, and that his town was just desert. everyone left him for better than him, so he left too. he quite have a few loss in there like a fow named fishy and... all his friend yeah. flefy thinks he's dead and between a few mental breakdown, he decided to just stay away from everyone.
II. door
if plagiat was something, door was worse. in this server, capuche decided to go on adventure to search for an old friend with a compass. in his journey, he just decided to settle in on a little place where a few people where in. part of the ten foundators, he was the "leader" non official of the crevasses. after a few alliance with new friend, war breaks down the peace. wanted safety, he take flefya to a bunker, one of the only person that have followed him when chaos unsue. little did he know that flefya, in an attempt to try to save him and protect him, manipulate him to stay in the bunker for mounths, everyone at the surface thinking he was dead. whith the silence, little to no company and too many thoughts for his scared brain, capuche dont realised the mistakes he's doing. when curiosity got too far and he find something he shouldn't have found, he loose a life by the hands of his friend. that mark a profound time in his life, realising the danger that was his little utopic world was fake. when he try to break free, he don't do it quite right, making everything blew up in the pathetic try to be a danger too. when he realised what had he done, he runs away like a coward. trying to protect his secrets like the one that killed him do, he push everyone away, just staying with animals to shelter alone. when he see his abuser after a long time, out of fear, he try to proove he can bite, but yeah, not that convaincing isnt it ? you can't be menacing when you are crying at your friend to stand back. in the end, even after debating killing himself (yeah ive skipped a bit of story but this is already too long) he decided to stay to help the world to not end, letting his secret out in the only sickly way to protect his past abusers. really clever my guy. his end was as brutaly sweet that flefya could give him.
III. mendiant
new server new lore huh ? yeah its only the begining but he do have some little quirks to show. why does everyone seems to leave that fast ? and how does he remeber things he couldn't even describe ? weird. if his lore is interesting to you, i have a folder for him, since hs story is very long and all of this is kinda old, if you wanna read bad english, look for his folder (capuche lore ig) on my acount :)

  • in door he is really tall but spend so much time bending upright or being scared that he kinda look small, his shapeshifting makes him look a lot smaller to if hes felling it.
  • even if he can change everything whith his body, he don't change things too important, because he have an image of himself in this head and stick to that.
    • love goblincore outfit. is also a big hippie furry yes yes
  • can eat anything normally. yet in door in can't eat meat for some reasons (trauma again ?) also yeah he have 3 theeth at the front of his mouth dont ask why (and a light toothgap)

design notes


160 cm (depends)


50 kg (depends too)


idk ??


capuche (ME WOOO)

  • he is inspired by a goat or sheep in door (also fox at some point ? idk he also have bird wings when he finds elytra)
  • i have a lot of design for him depending on the time/period of the server and the server itslef.
  • always have fluffy hair, no matter what
    • loves tail and hoof, but can have paws as well, my design the most details is the one of the bunker area, the others are not all that detailed cause i didnt think at the time









dosen't matter the server, dosen't matter the time, flefya is always one of the closest friend of capuche, and have all the buttons at her disposition to do watever she wants with him, often resulting with bad ending despite her god attention. irl i love her/p hi my dick brother, wanna hear about my warrior cat oc ? we should totaly voc not for 12 hours strait what ? in neutrality i want to say that FURRY FURRY FURRY EDGY FLUIDGENDER YES :TELL FLEFYA I HAVE SOLIDITY 3
Hermes goodgod

copper alliance woo

hermes is one of the closest friend on door for capuche, he was one of the only perso to know the secret of capuche with his bunker arc and- whait wdym there was marisson and ayris in ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LET THEM KNOW ? oh. yeah i guess thats okay for 2 people to know the lore too. yeah of course. wouldn't you just join a resistance against the end of the world to know eachother again ? yeah i think that could work. irl he is a gremlin child i hate him so much he is not my friend of course he isn't he keep bullying me this short bad liar/j he is a kind soul even if he likes make me eat cat food
a lot of people are in capuche lore but yeah don't know who was the closest to him despite hermes and flefya so yeah ig thats it dont judge the ref please a lot are old and this character is 3 years old almost i think so yeah bad drawing time with bad english cause i don't know how to speak english very well AHA HELP ME THIS IS SO LONG WHY I AM HURTING MYSELF WITH THIS HFREUNFR

" not okay."

#fucking furry