★ Travis Rockwell



6 years, 2 months ago


Travis Rockwell
Male | Human | Whatever-sexual | Taken
54 Years old | Sporadic, Dangerous, Angry | Underground Scientist
*See the Profile Tab for in-depth info!*

Travis, in short, is a monster. He's absolutely manic with one second he seems perfectly calm and rational, while
the next he'll snap and kill anyone within reach. Her runs a high-end underground laboratory where he splices
all kind of creatures, does horrific experiments, and deals with clients of any kind that pay well. Travis is more
of less on many different kind of drugs, home made and street kind. Most of which, are terrifying concoctions of
steroids. He cares little about who someone is, and what they mean to him or anyone else. If they prove to be
useful, then they should stay useful otherwise they'll be disposed off. Getting in his way even in the smallest way
can lead to broken bones or even death, depending on his mood. Trying to reason with him is next to impossible. He
was once married, but she has since died. Now and then you'll see him with ears and a tail. That's when he's made a
deal with a demon to become partly demon himself.

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