


1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Charon X. Rosehearts

 Birthday: july 20th 


star sign : cancer 

Hair Color: maroon with pinkish flecks 

Eye Color: red(left) blue(right)

 Species: homunculus rose beast. 

Pronouns: she/they/he/it 

Age: 16 Height:188 cm

Homeland: Rose kingdom 

Affiliation:night raven college 

Class:1 C 

Club: gardening club ( only member) 

School year: 1st year 

Best subject: botany 

Favorite food: honey flavored things 

Least favorite food: black tea 

Dislikes: people making fun of riddle 

Hobbies: tending to the roses 

Talent: hiding in bushes 

Unique magic : “executioner's guillotine" wip 

Similarly to riddles it makes the victim unable to use their magic for the set amount of time though unlike riddles it does hurt the victim when they try to use magic despite the barrier. If magic is used while the guillotine is active it will cause harm to the victim. 

background: He's a homunculus created by Riddle's mother as a playmate at first and later on to be someone to act as Riddle's guard in a way and protect him, a tool for riddles future. They haven't been raised together and don't have the same upbringing either. Charon was kept outside and treated akin to a wild guard dog while riddle was kept inside . They have barely interacted much in their childhood and have only started interacting ever since Riddle started going to night raven college.charon idolises riddle and looks up to him immensely, so any sort of negative talk about her older sibling will set her off. They're a hybrid puppet of many things , an amalgamation of creatures making it one of a kind. He's a pretty reclusive person and tends to shy away from crowds as is. Due to riddles mother's lack of attention towards them Charon's academic skills are fairly weak and talks in broken sentences out of nervousness , though physically and athletically they excel all around. 

Personality: Reclusive, shy and scared of how to interact with others she often disappears to hide in bushes around. An individual who prefers the quiet and likes to keep their attention on flowers and sometimes talks to them. They speak very softly when spoken to and idolises riddle even though riddle doesn't fully reciprocate those feelings. it's really just a giant teddy bear. She sees other flowers as her friends and often is the one tending to the flowers of the dorm making sure they're watered. He gets frightened easily by people and is prone to overthinking situations at times. 


-Twisted partially from the executioner from Alice madness returns 

-Doesn't fully attend classes but still submits assignments on time usually 

-Transfem btw i think she's wonderful