


1 year, 3 months ago


I can do whatever the hell I like.

 Full name:  Malachi Ulysses McCalley-Leudbald 

 Alias:  Alchemist 

 Age:  31 

 Gender:  Genderfluid 

 DOB:  Nov. 17th, 1935 

 Height:  6' 1" 

 Orientation:  Bisexual 

 Pronouns:  He/They/She 

 Place of origin:  United States 

 Languages:  English, Spanish, Latin


Karl Schoenberg


Mann. Co R.E.D. Employee

 Class:  Chemist 

 Team:  RED 

 Role:  Defense 

 Health:  160 

 Speed: 100% 
 While classified as "Defense" for the sake of clarity, the Chemist class can function as any of the three categories. A Chemist focused on distributing ammo & healing to allies works as a support, and a particularly aggressive Chemist has enough firepower to be an efficient frontliner. However, when played at the default, a Chemist is similar in function to a Demoman, tossing volatile concoctions into the midst of a primary conflict to damage the opposite team, mark enemy spies, and obscure the vision of the BLUs.
For Alchemist specifically, flanking and catching the enemy by surprise is a favored tactic. He often follows Demos and Scouts to watch their backs and assist in preparing a push or defense. If RED is winning, then she will play more offensively, using large areas of effect to try and trap enemies in their spawn. When RED is losing, they will play more defensive, focused more on dropping healing potions and refilling ammo than providing the strongest damage. 
  • Medic
  • Spy
  • Scout
  • Heavy
  • Pyro
  • Sniper
 Special Ability
 Deals area-of-effect style damage that lasts over time. 
 Default Loadout
 Chemical Bag / Colt Revolver / Sickle 
Chemical Bag  Stock chemical bag   60-100 / 180-300   n/a   n/a 
Potion of Major-ish Healing  Splash potion that deals health to nearby allies & user.   70 / 145   Functions as a multi-target medium healthpack.   No damage. Heals disguised enemy spies. Percent healed decreases from epicenter of target. 
Colt Revolver  Stock revolver   40 / 120   n/a   n/a 
Caustic Crossbow  This thing is probably older than the Administrator herself!   56 / 170   Causes a poison effect that lasts for 4 seconds when an enemy is hit, dealing -4 damage per second. Reloads automatically.   No headshots, -55% clip size 
Sickle  Stock Sickle   65 / 195   n/a   n/a 
Amputation Knife  It's scary good at separating fingers from hands.   52 / 156   Restores 25 health upon killing an enemy.   -20% damage penalty 
  • Title example; Kill assist
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Title example; Healed by Medic
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Title
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.


 A colorful individual, Alchemist is a unique addition to the RED team. Though stiff and awkward upon introductions, she quickly warms up to new people and becomes a good acquaintance. He enjoys his job immensely and likes to spend time with teammates talking about his interests, such as his concoctions or his menagerie of dangerous creatures. They consider their team like a family, and are particularly close to the Demoman, the Medic, and the Engineer because of their shared interests in science. On the battlefield, she's an energetic fighter, eager to test out new weapons on the enemy team. 
 He / They / She 
  • Collecting venomous/poisonous organisms

  • Teasing the BLU Chemist

  • Baking
  • When people don't trust his judgement

  • Shellfish

  • Scratchy textures
 He keeps a clew of leeches as pets. 
 Music is very important to him. 
 Loves to watch cartoons with Scout and Pyro. 
 While their official class title is "Chemist", they refuse to be referred to by that title and instead insist on "Alchemist". 
 Began studying alchemy at 9 years old. 
 Was introduced to karaoke by Soldier and Demo on one fateful team game night. Absolutely loves it but sounds awful. Does that stop them? Of course not. 
  • Chemical burn scar on right side of face

  • Has natural highlight streaks in hair

  • Right eye is paler than left, and has worse vision
  • Has freckles all over his body

  • Has dimples on each cheek

  • Slash scar from a knife on right shoulder



Malachi Ulysses McCalley-Leudbald, also known as “Mack”, was born in Erie, Pennsylvania on November 17th, 1935. When she was six years old, a disease struck the small town she lived in, causing the deaths of many. As it spread, her parents decided to send her far away to a small village across the state, where word had it good medicine could be found. With nothing but a small suitcase of essentials, the clothes on their back, and a plague mask on their face, Malachi made the journey.
Because of the urgency of the situation, there was no way for his parents to arrange for someone to take care of him, and for the next five years they lived as a street orphan, competing with others, learning to survive, and becoming a petty thief. However, on his 11th birthday, he ran quite literally into Leonhard Alban Leudbald, the gruff and secretive owner of Leubald’s Emporium, the local apothecary shop. Leon offered Malachi a deal: if she worked at the apothecary for the next two years, he wouldn’t turn her in to the local authorities, and would provide good food and shelter while she worked.
While the beginning was rocky and the two had spats frequently, Malachi soon began to see the kind-hearted person hidden beyond Leon’s rough exterior, and in turn Leon began to bring out the fun-loving child that Malachi had repressed for so long. By the end of the two years they had developed a strong bond, and Leon officially took Malachi on as an apprentice, training him in running the apothecary, diagnosing and treating illnesses, mixing drugs, and most importantly: alchemy. Malachi took fast to alchemy, fascinated with the concept of the changing of matter and the study of human anatomy. As they aged, they specialized in a few select surgical procedures and the making of products for the apothecary, often the main producer of the potions and tonics bought by customers.

Leon would often arrange mentorship studies for Malachi, sending them around the country and overseas to study under other renowned alchemists and friends of Leon. Malachi spent many years in Canada, Italy, Spain, and Belgium, where they learned to read and speak a variety of languages.

When they were 23, Leon hired a new clerk by the name of Ewan Finnian to help with bookkeeping, handling transactions, and assisting Malachi with the making of products & special orders. Ewan and Malachi became fast friends, with Malachi thrilled to have someone his age to talk to and Ewan happy to be accepted into the fold of the apothecary. Within a few months of working together, Ewan and Malachi began dating, not changing much in their lives other than the amount of PDA going on in the storage rooms. Leon, who already considered Malachi fully his child by this point, accepts Ewan as a son-in-law with only a bit of good-natured grumbling.

The two spend three years together as a happy couple, not without their ups and downs, but overcoming challenges together. Shortly after their three-year anniversary, the two were working in the back of the shop, Ewan assisting Malachi with a new mixture, when as Alchemist leaned to the side to reach a component, the volatile mixture exploded, causing severe chemical burns to the right side of his face. The explosion hit Ewan more directly on the chest and full face, and the burns combined with glass shards from the vials and flasks end up causing his untimely death.

As a result, Malachi spirals into a depressive state of shock, working mindlessly and uncaring about everything, for a few months. Soon, though, he snaps, gathering up what he can and running away to start doing mercenary work as an outlet for their emotions. She focuses full-time on making and selling toxins, dangerous organisms, and poisoned blades, and in their spare time they begin to take on hit contracts. By their 27th birthday, they are a full-time merc-for-hire and have cut contact with Leon entirely. Leon never stops looking for news about Malachi and their whereabouts, but has given up reaching out directly, sorrowfully accepting that Malachi will either reach out when he’s ready or never be seen again.

For three years, Malachi spends all his time working on contracts and developing personal weapons and aids. When he’s 30, he sees an ad in a newspaper advertising new positions for mercenaries at Mann Co., but he decides not to take the offer immediately. Over the next year, he struggles as the flow of new contracts slows down in his area due to authorities being too close to finding the contract rings. As a gift to himself for his 31st birthday, he reaches out to Mann Co. on a drunk, fleeting whim, not expecting anything to come of it. However, unbeknownst to them, their unique skillsets and combat methods had captured the attention of the Administrator. Combined with the lucky coincidence that a similarly-skilled applicant had applied shortly before Malachi, he makes it in as the new 10th class of Redmond Mann’s R.E.D. team: the Chemist. Malachi refuses to use that title, though, as it does not properly address his skills (while alchemy and chemistry overlap, there are differences in it), and becomes known simply as the Alchemist. She quickly starts a rivalry with her B.L.U. counterpart, mostly for fun on her end, but also due to the conflicts between their studies and personalities. The BLU Chemist has no belief in alchemy and is contemptuous to Alchemist about it as a result, and additionally only believes in official academic education in chemistry, despite the fact that he himself was fired from his academic institution and almost arrested.

 Current Day

While awkward and somewhat shy for the first month at the base, she eventually began to make some connections with other members of the team. Generally a goofy and uplifting character, she spends a lot of time interacting with fellow team members. He loves talking about his interests such as what little he’s willing to share about alchemy and the latest developments on his dangerous plants & animals. However, he consistently deflects conversations about his personal details to the point that it’s noticeable to the others, causing some degree of tension or discomfort among the 9 mercs she works with.

Praesent efficitur, enim sit amet gravida maximus, libero risus sagittis quam, eget posuere enim justo vel nibh. Vivamus neque urna, aliquam sit amet mauris ac, mattis lacinia nunc. Donec tortor ante, interdum ac libero eu, luctus consectetur enim. Sed id bibendum mi. Fusce pharetra dapibus enim vitae molestie. Nunc nulla libero, dapibus non tortor at, vehicula varius purus. Aenean aliquet tincidunt gravida. Suspendisse euismod bibendum auctor. Pellentesque blandit vulputate mauris vel sodales. Nam volutpat tempor risus ut consequat.



Strictly professional relationship. Admin reminds Alchemist of some of the more strict or conniving mentors he worked under, so he doesn’t associate her all that positively. He’s comfortable enough to work for and communicate with her, but he doesn’t have a casual relationship with her.
They tend to not be as intimidated by her like many of their coworkers are, though, through a lack of care and lack of notice of her bad moods.

Alchemist’s relationship with the Administrator’s assistant is a blend of casual and professional. She is his superior, after all, and is not to be underestimated. However, she’s a lot more personable than her boss, and is known to spend time hanging out with the mercs already. Their relationship started completely neutral, but as time passes they occasionally do fun things together here and there.

Alchemist showed Pauling an acid they have that quickly melts flesh off of bone and she often swings by the base to pick some up. Also, Pauling enjoys how Alchemist mellows Scout when they are together; Scout’s less rabid for her attention because he doesn’t feel competitive with Alchemist and he doesn’t want to embarrass himself. This makes him a lot easier for her to deal with.


Great friends, the two hang out often. They became friends after Alchemist recognized one of Scout’s comics and began talking to Scout about it. Scout was just surprised that someone other than Pyro took genuine interest in his stuff. They love to go into town together to try new candies at the stores and watch movies at the local cinema. Scout is probably her closest real friend of the team.

Absolute best friends. These two hang out constantly, often with Scout joining them. Pyro was the first person on the team to make an effort to get to know Alchemist, and they have an inseparable bond as a result. Alchemist is the only person on the team who has seen Pyro without the mask other than Medic, and the only person who has seen it in a casual setting.

Well enough friends, not particularly close. Alchemist enjoys the funny things that happen around Soldier, and gets a kick out of his sense of humor. They hang out frequently, though, due to Alchemist's friendship with Demo.

A close friend and drinking buddy. They share scientific interest and have similar roles in combat, so see a lot of themselves in the other person. Strong platonic relationship. Hang out together often, sometimes with a few of the others.

Over time, as Alchemist opens up to Demo and the team as a whole and gets to observe him work on his explosives, she begins to trust him enough to assist with some of her alchemy.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


On neutral terms but not particularly close. Due to Spy’s role he has many questions about Alchemist’s background, which drives somewhat of a wedge between them. Alchemist’s “uncouth” mannerisms cause further disagreement between the two, but they enjoy the pranks they are able to pull, whether together or watching the results of the other’s work.