Luz Alcazar



1 year, 2 months ago



❤ She/Her

❤ Age: 20 (23 by the time she moves in with Rosario in year 3)

❤ Height: 6'0

❤ Demisexual Lesbian

❤ Fillipino


Luz  is a soft-spoken and shy individual. Her upbringing has caused her to  become more introverted and she often likes spending time with the farm  animals instead of with the townspeople. Despite this, however, it’s  actually very easy for her to make friends once pushed in the right  direction. When she warms up to people she’s very physically  affectionate and will often pick people up into a bear hug.

Out  of the two siblings, Luz is more open about her feelings. It’s very  easy to get her to cry (out of happiness or sadness), but is more  emotionally immature. She’s determined to overcome her shortcomings,  however, looking to Rosario as a bit of a role model.


  • Taking care of the farm animals
  • Sewing her own dresses
  • Exploring the forests for cryptids


Before  moving to the Pelican Town, Luz was studying to be a veterinarian in  one of Stardew Valley’s most prestigious schools. However, a childhood  illness she had reared it’s head again, and just before she was able to  graduate, she had to drop out to focus on her health. 

Despite  the obvious need to drop school, her father was furious and things  became unsafe to be at home. Her mother suggested that Luz contact her  estranged brother, Rosario, for assistance– and that’s how she ended up  moving in with him, on his farm, at the end of his 3rd year.