


6 years, 2 months ago


Title Here
Name Victoria
Age 30
Gender female
Race ---
Role ---
Demeanor cold
Theme link a song

the fancy life


being imported

suger cookies


sour food

messy places

being treated like a kid

Beautiful . adjective . Observant

Victoria, a 30-year-old woman, was born into a wealthy and influential family as the second oldest of 12 siblings. Her father, the mayor of the city, was highly esteemed in the public eye, and Victoria idolized him from a young age. She inherited her father's intelligence, charisma, and sense of duty, excelling academically and always striving to make him proud. Growing up, Victoria closely observed her father's work and dedication to serving the people of their city. She admired his ability to make a difference and was determined to follow in his footsteps. Despite her youth, Victoria demonstrated remarkable maturity and responsibility, often taking on leadership roles among her siblings and in her school. As Victoria matured into a woman, she found herself the object of attention from admirers due to her beauty, but she remained indifferent to romantic pursuits. Her true passion lay in her work and her desire to prove herself capable of taking over her father's responsibilities. However, despite her accomplishments, her father remained hesitant to groom her as his successor, citing her cold and factual demeanor as a barrier to effective leadership. Determined to prove her worth, Victoria has embarked on a journey to become more approachable and empathetic, recognizing the importance of connecting with people on a personal level. She is making an effort to interact with individuals from different backgrounds, particularly those from lower social classes, in the hopes of broadening her perspective and gaining the necessary skills to earn her father's trust and respect.

Personality Traits:

Intelligent: Victoria is highly intelligent and capable, excelling in her academic and professional endeavors. Determined: She possesses a strong sense of determination and ambition, striving to prove herself capable of assuming her father's role. Reserved: Victoria tends to be reserved and analytical, preferring facts and logic over emotions.


Prove herself capable of leading and making a difference in her community, following in her father's footsteps. Overcome her father's doubts and earn his approval as his successor. Develop her interpersonal skills and empathy to better connect with people from all walks of life, bridging the gap between her privileged upbringing and the realities faced by the lower class. .

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