
1 year, 4 months ago


He’s a very secretive creature, never allowing anyone get to know him too well. He lives alone deep within the dark forests and rarely makes an appearance outside of his beloved fog-ridden home. He doesn’t hate people or act aggressively for no reason, he just prefers solitude to the company of others. Especially since most end up asking him questions about his scars and horn.

Those who have seen him or heard of him tell wild tales that supposedly explain what  kind of beast he is. Some include stories of how he was clawed by a beast and inherited its traits, while others claim he was born of a curse and abandoned in the forest. And those who have asked him never get any form of answer from him. Many wonder if he could even understand them. There have been a slight few who have heard the stories and had become enthralled by the idea of a solitary beast who resided far from sight, they set off to try and find this mysterious creature. But, like most foolish adventurers, they never returned- at least not back to the village.

For him, he lives his quiet life rather comfortably. He has no real complaints, not even tedious mending or constantly sharpening his ax bothers him. Patience is one of his strong suits. He’s never been the type to ever rush into any situation, urgent or not. His daily tasks, typically consist of cutting more wood, doing his laundry, cleaning up his home and beloved ax, and brushing his tail. He hunts in small bursts and only hunts the bare minimum to last him a good while. Fishing is a bit of a hit or miss for him as he tries to catch the slippery animals barehanded. At least nuts and berries are less trouble to obtain.

At least, in the recent years. Despite now being defining features of his, he feels like he’s almost forgotten how he lost half his horn and how all those marks were etched upon his face. He always tries to bury it deep within his mind. Of course, he never has forgotten, not even for a moment. His movements and actions all have some form of thought behind them, caution is always exercised. He doesn’t anticipate on ever telling anyone of what happened to him or to his horn. He thinks it’s better left unsaid and forgotten.