Amaya's Comments

She's one of the creatures born from the Depths, the seas of the Dead Realm. The living creatures that live in the depths are all different ghoul types. Reincarnated from the living. Just subaquatic demon creatures. She's one of the more friendlier looking variants. She's from one of the higher zones of the Depths, the parts where all the seven suns reach. Each sun is a different size, so there's classifications based on the limit of that Sun's light reaches which depth. She's from the Setsun Sun Depths, meaning the first 15m of the Depths are the first sun's level. The Depths in the Dead Realm, go up to 666ft, as their dimension is ever expanding, for the dead, or undead. She is one of the seal monster ghouls, a reincarnate once upon a time. Her sin is Envy. She desperately wants a life away from what's been chosen for her. Since she is a reborn ghoul, she has no family, no kin, and no loved ones. However, there are still factions that rule each realm. The Demon Kings technically own everything, including the Depths that reside from the plumet if you jump off the Islands in The Dead realm. The Districts are On one big island, it's forever growing and these districts may separate or be manipulated on whim by the Kings. That said, they have their own districts. The sea ghouls weren't an intention. They were a subfaction of ghoul type created after a mass plague spread across the mortal realm, affecting many planets, creating different types of ghouls. A water ghoul type is very special, because it means that you were never completely honest, with even yourself. You always Fishy. She is a liar, but she does it out of love. She needs the validation and the affections of others to know she's good enough. She's a sweet kind demon who sees her sin more as an insecurity. She finds it a bit embarrassing to be Envy. She's not incredibly strong, though her power born with her sin, (all ghoul types and undead/demons have abilities, they vary and depend on the sin type/classification, etc) But her power is extremely strong, though also extremely unpolished. She can make things out of water. And I don't mean it's obviously made of water. She can change the matter of water into a faux version. She can make demons from water, even make them speak, but the things she makes can't last forever and she can't hold the forms long. Her foux water sprites are more like puppets, but they adopt the exact look of the person. Though, if you touch them, you will be met with a liquidy awakening and they will fall apart. Maybe if she trains hard enough, she can use them to fight...uhhh, but who knows? How would she do that? She's an anxious mess and worries too much about what everyone thinks about her so it keeps her from doing things to better her home, life, world or district. She envies those who can move on, not care, not let every passing glance crush their mind. How do they do that? She isn't motivated, and she kindof sucks at physical combat, but she is also motivated by her envy. Her classification drew in the King of Envy to be, Belyie. He would be the one to endorse her, to pursue her in an attempt to motivate her to become..something great, worth envying. He envies the power she was born with, and hates that she isn't using it to do something with herself. She could be...extraordinary. He wants her to reach that, and see it. He envies growth like that. Beliye is a considerate King, all things considered. She, is the key to their puzzle. With her ability, they can hurt the Aether in ways they'd never imagined, if they can perfect her skills. Belyie was pulling her into a social world, one where the only envied demon, would be them, she would learn her sin is her truest flaw, and embracing your natural self, even the ugly parts, is important too.