


1 year, 3 months ago



Species: Memoral (MYO; #3 if number is ever needed)

Age & Birthday: "I'm 203 years old bebe!~ And my memory is still strong as ever! heheeh". Memory clouds "Press f for doubt". Ambrosia waves hands at them "NO! Don't f for doubt ME!"; February 19ā™“

Gender & Pronouns: Female; She/Her

Sexuality (or lack of): "I have seen maaaaany beings in my time and; at least to myself & Memory clouds memory; I've never had a strong preference for anything or anyone specific. I just think some people are extra attractive & I want to give them kisses, cuddles, and...stuff.~ *winks*" feel free to headcannon whatever you want, nor she or I shall give a cannon label.

Personality: Gremlin energy, teaser, Devil advocate (mainly with bad/rude people), confident, huge sweet tooth (especially for cake & fruit juices), Chaotic Neutral go brrr, 'do thing now ask questions later' type of gal

Hobbies:Ā Making Jewelry, watching dramas, teasing her friends (if they are fine with it), messing with rude people, Baking, watching her host's shenanigans

Likes: Fruit Juices, Greek & Romen mythology, drama, fun jewelry, cute outfits, birthdays, cake

Dislikes: Karenā€™s & hurtfully rude/mean/disrespectful people

Extra Info:
-Ambrosia is VERY big on birthdays. She always gifts handmade jewelry, cake, and goodies to all her friends. Regardless of if they celebrate their B-day or not.
-She & her Memory clouds are excellent at remembering birthdays & ages (even is someone is immortal or an old friend), everything else is a bit tricky for them.
-Ambrosia's bigger memory cloud is chill, quite, & little sassy. They also tend to sleep a lot and recall very few memories.
-Ambrosia's smaller memory cloud is an enabler to Ambrosia's shenanigans & is very sassy. They speak little, but A LOT more than big cloud. Little cloud also remembers the most, but only fun/funny memories or memories revolving around chaotic events.
-Will take GOOD sweets & Fruit Juices as payment for anything.