


1 year, 3 months ago


Kenku, Male

Swashbuckler Rogue



* Had a black and white ship cat with golden yellow eyes

* Loves his shinies, but will share a piece of his collection if he really likes you

* Has a tattoo it in the form of a small golden cat paw on his right wrist.

* When he needs money quick, he'll either scavenge the streets or try to trick drunk gamblers out of their money


Avast the Kenku


Avast was found as a chick by a ship of pirates who adopted him and affectionately called him their mascot. He grew to think of the crew of the Citrine Eye as his family. They taught him how to sword fight (among other things), and he took a natural inclination to rapiers in particular. On this ship, Avast's best friend was the black and white ship cat with eyes a golden yellow; he would often spend time playing with his feline companion and it was common to find the cat in Avast's hammock, cuddled up to the feathery pirate.

One fateful night, the crew was partying on the ship under a blanket of stars after a successful pillaging of a small merchant ship, when the weather suddenly changed. Seemingly out of nowhere, clouds covered the moon and stars, and winds started battering violently at the sails and tearing the sea into vicious choppy waves. This was no normal storm. During the panic amid the boat being torn asunder by the storm, Avast was thrown overboard and knocked out. Eventually he awoke washed up alone on a shore.

Avast was alone for the first time in his life.

Washed up on the shore with no sense of direction. An empty solace. A quiet that was piercing to the soul. For the first time, there was no bustle of friends and a jovial atmosphere amongst the rickety wooden vessel that Avast called home for such a long time. The crashing of waves is the only thing that Avast hears. The light caws and chirps of birds fly along and around the coastal beach. Avast with his knowledge of the seas has seen the landmarks of this city many times. The city of [city] was on the horizon. Focusing his keen ears he can hear the bustle of a port town no more than half an hour away. Yet a distant connection feels odd. He remembers an odd ethereal voice speaking to him in a dreamy stupor. The edge of death and life.

"You have potential my little friend. Do you wish to see more of the world? Wish to fly amongst the clouds? Then please follow my guidance. Your destiny awaits you."

The voice oddly enough sounds like the 'mrowing' voice of his old cat companion. A ring on his finger. Shiny and pretty to look at. Yet can't be removed. If it was a gift from his old friend, it knew him well.


Strength: 8 (-1)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 10 (0)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 14 (+2)

Charisma: 12 (+1)


  • Cap of Water Breathing - Gifted to Avast by his crew to keep him safe. While wearing this cap underwater, you can speak its command word as an action to create a bubble of air around your head. It allows you to breathe normally underwater. This bubble stays with you until you speak the command word again, the cap is removed, or you are no longer underwater.
  • Nautiloid's Needle (Compass) - This compass is made from Walnut wood, spliced by a band of Cherry wood throughout its middle. The top of this compass can clasp open or closed, with a small brass switch to lock it shut. The compass itself is pure white with only the cardinal directions marked with a black ink. The orienting arrow is a bright blue, with white paint outlining it. A simple leather cord is tied around the back of it, fastening itself into a strap. (Requires attunement.)
    • Cartographer's Alignment: The wearer always knows what direction is North. This ability is immune to magical manipulation.
    • Selfish Yearning: The wearer can cast the locate object spell by opening the compass, however the casting from the compass will not tell the wearer exactly where the object is. Instead, the orienting arrow will point in the direction of it. The radius of this spell is increased to 1 mile. Can be used equal to the wearer's proficiency bonus (per day).
    • Deadman's Fortune: When the attuned wearer rolls deathsaves, they can sacrifice gold for an additional bonus up to +3. For a +1 bonus, 15gp will be sacrificed, for a +2 bonus 25 gp will be sacrificed, for a +3 bonus 50 gp will be sacrificed.

DM Notes

* The ship cat of Avast's ship (The Citrine Eye) may be a deity or fey patron that took an interest in Avast