


1 year, 4 months ago


Shifter (Swiftstep), Male

Scout Rogue/Gloomstalker Ranger


  • Around 5'10"
  • Lithe build
  • Long black hair
  • Skin is lightly tanned
  • Yellow eyes
  • Ears are pointed like an elf's ears; until someone notices his eyes and fangs, he could easily be mistaken for a wood elf.
  • Stubble/light facial hair
  • Fangs show when he smiles or smirks
  • If the light hits his hair in just the right way, you can see a spotted pattern in it like a black jaguar's fur.
  • When he's mad, you may hear a rumble like a cat's growl in the back of his throat.
  • When he shifts, his pupils become slits, his nails grow pointed, his fangs become more pronounced, and his ears grow black fur on the tip and along the edge.
  • Lived in a small town in and surrounded by swamps and deep forests.
  • Cajun accent.
  • Would totally keep a toad as a pet in his pocket.


Laurent's Playlist


Laurent grew up poor, raised mostly by his mother.

When he was young, his father started gambling in an attempt to get lucky and get money for the family, but got addicted and lost almost all their money. He ran off "in search of the big win" (in Laurent's mother's words) and never came back.

This left Laurent being raised by his mother, whom he loves dearly and is protective of.

As a kid, he was generally accepted in his home town. However, when his shifter nature and powers started to emerge with puberty, people started to become uncomfortable around Laurent and wary of him due to the stigma against shifters as well as the old local tales of rougarous lurking deep in the swamps. In order to keep on the townsfolk's good side, he would help hunt down creatures such as pumas and crocodiles that came too close to the town. Not only did this make him a useful member of the community, it also provided some income. By hunting these creatures, as well as hunting normal game, Laurent helped support his mother and himself.

One of his first hunts to help the village was to hunt down some alligators that had come too close to the town. While he and some other men from the village managed to track down the gators and slay them, there was one unexpected giant gator among the group; this giant gator managed to bite Laurent on his lower right arm and he has the scars to prove it.

Because of his dad, he doesn't like gambling and becomes uncomfortable when around gambling.


Strength: 8 (-1)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 14 (+2)

Charisma: 14 (+2)


* Pendant of the Hunt - While wearing and attuned to this pendent, you can gain advantage on survival checks made to track, this feature can be used a number of times equal to the attuned wearer's proficiency bonus. (Requires attunement.)


Possible conflict in finding his Dad and confronting him about his leaving.

Dad's true reason for leaving could be

  • He's a rougarou and didn't want to endanger his wife and child; this could also explain why Laurent is a shifter.
  • He made a voodoo witch angry, maybe lost a bet with her.