Jenna Cevahir



6 years, 5 months ago



Jenna is the media guru that is always there with the assist on school projects, and the one who can make her resume look like a piece of art. Jenna and her childhood best friend Kyran now work together to make Kyran's youtube gaming channel the best that it can be. Jenna does all the editing and online profile things for Kyran, allowing him to focus on the content and path that his channel makes. Jenna also works on the side as a freelance artist, much like her friend Iri. However, instead of designing logos and the such, Jenna designs company trailers and commercials, and does all the videography and editing that is involved.

Jenna is the sweet girl next door that as soon as you got to know her you knew that all the sweet innocence was just a front. Jenna is a go for it, do what she wants, makes the rules so she can break them type of gal. Her laughter is contagious and she definitely knows how to have a good time.


【 Name 】
【 Gender 】
【 Age 】
【 D.o.B. 】
【 Origin 】
【 Race 】
【 Role 】
【 Theme 】
【 Charisma 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Humor 】

Jenna is as crazy as it gets. If you dare her to jump into a vat of chocolate, you know she'll do it and emerge with the biggest smile saying 'i wanna do that again!' Jenna will always be the life of the party, and you can count on her to do something weird.

Jenna is increadibly funny, due in part to her crazy personality, but he puns and her comebacks will always keep you laughing. Also, Jenna is a big fan of comedies, whether they are movies or books, and spend most of her free time doing things that keep her laughing.

Jenna never studied media when it came to school. Nope. Jenna learned all she knows about video editing, photo alteration, and just about every other media just from trying them. Jenna is 100% self taught, but is always looking to learn more about media from the people she meets.

If anyone knows about how sisterly Jenna can be, its Kyran, her childhood best friend. Jenna will do just about everything a sister would do once you get to know her more. She can be your partner in crime, or your worst enemy with just flick of a switch. And you can always count on her as a shoulder to cry one or as someone to yell at when you're angry.
