SkeleWraith (Species)



1 year, 3 months ago


Edit: 7/28/2023 - Official named changed from "WindiWraith" to "SkeleWraith"

Page made for information Regarding the "SkeleWraith" species. Page will be updated and stuff added to it with time. In Short...this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION 


Basic Description:

SkeleWraith (Previously called WindiWraith, or Windi's. Affectionately called Boneheads), are thin and lanky, anthro like creatures, with skulls instead of heads...most have horns of some kind as well. These Boneheads come in various styles, but ALL of them consist of these basic guidelines:

- Must be lanky/thin

- large hands (claws, paws, fingies, etc.)

- Hooved feet (Cloven or not)

- Didigrade legs 

- Skull head (Any type of skull works uwu)

- Rib like Bones hugging the chest

- Glowing markings/eyes (Not required but its a common trait)

- Androgynous/Genderless (NO PHYSICAL SEXES)

- NO Bottom jaw or complete neck

Uncommon or Rare traits include the following:

- Feral or 4 legged 

- Skull/ribs not made of bone like material

- Non hooved feet

- Wings


Basic Anatomy:

SkeleWraiths do not actually possess a physical body, their bodies are ghost like in nature and some are made of magic, with the only thing on their form that IS physical being their skull and ribs. Their skulls are their own creations, able to make their own with their energy and into any shape they could say the true body of them is its Skull and ribs. If their Skull was to ever sustain damage, their "body" would vanish until their energy recovers enough to remake or repair their Skull. They do not have a bottom jaw or neck, their skull technically floats above their body/neck area, usually nestled into large amounts of chest/neck fluff. 

It's extremely common for a SkeleWraith to have horns, it being almost rare not to see one without any horns of some kind. These horns can be any type of horn they want to have (Big, small, antlers, draconic, etc.) 

Their "bodies" and Skulls always have some glowing markings, used to indicate their health and how much energy they have (The brighter the glow the healthier and more energy they have stored), its very rare for them not to have glowing markings, at the very least their eyes or sockets glow.

They do not need to eat since they are technically ghost like, but they can absorb/eat energy from living beings should they need or want to replenish their own energy

Most if not all SkeleWraith possess a specific element such as Fire or Water, it's uncommon for them to have more then one element. 


Basic Lore: 

SkeleWraith are spirits in charge of leading souls to the other side, much like the grim reaper. Most lower ranked Boneheads are "Reapers", while some higher ranked are "Soul Bounds". A Soul Bound SkeleWraith is tasked with keeping an eye on specific souls until it is their time to cross over, following them in the shadows until it's their time, essentially a guardian angel of sorts for the entirety of that beings life. 

SkeleWraith were at some point a living being, but died before their time, or died in horrible ways (Murdered, drowned, burned alive, etc), and their souls refused to cross to the point their spirit became "feral". A Newly "born" SkeleWraith tends to be very Angry and feral at first, but once they accept their fate, they become a SkeleWraith proper, and join the ranks of other Boneheads. 


Q: Are These Wendigo?

A: No, These creatures are not associated with Cannibalism at all. They may share some Physical characteristics with the popular fandom created look for them (Lanky creature, deer skull head, etc.), but that's where the similarities end. SkeleWraiths also aren't restricted to JUST deer/stag like heads (they can have any type of skull they wish, even something not based on a real creature).

Q: Are they a closed species?

A: Nope, feel free to make one if you want x3 I do wanna be tagged though so I can see what you come up with


More Info to come as I update this page :D