


1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Hyper Pulsar x Egyptian Feathered Night Fury

Base Value





When I look at the world, I'm a pessimist. But when I look at her, I'm optimistic.

Solaris is an EFNF x Hyper Pulsar hybrid I obtained in 2023 as part of an MYO trade with Quaiizarr. He is forever homed and I will never take any offers for him.


EFNF x Pulsar


7 billion years




Cosmic Fire





EFNF Owner


Pulsar Owner


Masterlist #'s

HYB-04 | 204

Total Value


Design Notes

  • Solaris has an eclipse pattern across his two frill feathers - a feature that is unique to him
  • Instead of white and black markings, he has white and metallic copper markings
  • His quills are black tipped with orange + gold

Full Reference

Better terrible truths than kind lies.

Kiss the Ring - Hans Zimmer

Extended Story

Early Life

Solaris and his star formed about 7 billion years ago during a time when the Hyper Zenithii were not an uncommon sight and their worship was at its height. Like many Hyper Pulsars, he was a bright, curious creature who enjoyed adventuring around the galaxy. He spent many eons alternating between a state of torpor inside his star and taking long, extended trips throughout the Milky Way and beyond. His abnormal appearance was received with apprehension by most other Pulsars, but it was tolerable and easy to ignore. Although he'd never had the honor of speaking with a Zenithii, he was a firm believer in their divine purpose and devout in his faith.

His chosen idol of worship was First Dusk - a symbol of curiosity, exploration, and discovery. He interpreted it as a physical act of exploration, believing himself to be best connected to the desire for adventure and sight-seeing. At the time, he was free of internal struggle and thought that his purpose as a Pulsar was to simply exist and enjoy life. However, that began to change as Zenithii sightings decreased and the servants of the Dark Eye slowly started to fill the universe once more.

The Vanishing

When Solaris was ~4 billion years old when the Zenithii started to vanish. It began slowly at first with only decreased reports of sightings, but sharply dropped off without warning. The Hyper Pulsars were initially confused but confident, yet as the time between encounters continued to lengthen over the next billion years, confusion turned to doubt and confidence became fear. The servants of the Dark Eye returned and grew in strength, often preying upon Pulsars. Older Pulsars hung onto hope of the Zenithii's return while the newer, younger generation of Pulsars born after the vanishing doubted theyever existed at all.

As the Pulsars grew more and more afraid and angry, they also became distant with the faith that had been so important to the Hypers since the beginning of time. They questioned the Lightweaver's intent and wondered if they were being punished for their sins. As a result, they became extremely hostile toward anyone deemed to be an 'outsider' - including other Pulsars who looked different than normal. Solaris found himself cast aside and labeled as an abomination, an affront to the Lightweaver for not being 'made properly'. He was ignored, snapped at, even chased away by all but the oldest of Pulsars - and even they were hesitant to associate him for the wrath it might incur from others.

The Transformation

Now finding himself alone in a dangerous universe, Solaris questioned his once-devout faith. He started to detest his differences and wonder if he truly was an affront to the Lightweaver. The tipping point of his transformation came when he sought out Aldebaran, the diviner of First Horizon who'd began to assemble and train a force of Hyper Pulsars to fight the servants of the Dark Eye. When Baran denied his request to join, Solaris attempted to prove himself in a feat of combat but was defeated and humiliated by Baran.

Infuriated and embarassed, Solaris snuck into the vaults of the Temple of First Horizon with the intent to steal one of the powerful Zenithii artifacts protected there. He was drawn to one in particular - an inconspicuous shard of pure gold that seemed to be calling out to him. Upon touching the shard, he was overcome with extreme pain as the shard melted and its power forced its way into him. Solaris's memory of this moment is clouded, but he remembers being chased away by the Pulsars guarding the temple and passing out somewhere. When he next awoke, he found a strange marking on his left eye and discovered that his black markings had turned to metallic copper. His vapour ability had been replaced with cosmic fire that he could not control.


Solaris first met Azha ~1 billion years ago. He was struggling to contain his cosmic fire and his temper had become extremely volatile and uncontrollable. He kept to his solar system and drove away strangers before they had the chance to disappoint him, just like every other Pulsar he'd known.

The Conjunction


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Mate and closest friend

Former mate of Solaris's while in EFverse, now a close friend

She and Solaris have a very close, sibling-type friendship

Long time rival

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Character Attributes











Powershot: Cosmic Fire

Solaris has the unique ability to breathe cosmic fire. This kind of fire is extremely hot and persistant - it is closer to a liquid than a flame and sticks to surfaces to burn over a period of time. Wounds can continue to burn for hours or even days after coming into physical contact with it. He is immune to his own fire.

Alpha Form: Cosmic Fire

Paired with his cosmic fire powershot is a cosmic fire alpha form. Instead of leaking vapour while in alpha form, his body vents cosmic flame that trails behind him as he flies. With a surge of power, he can engulf his entire body in this fire for a brief period of time.

Venomous Quills

Like all Hyper Pulsars, Solaris's quills can inject venom into enemies when 'activated' (ie, scared or angry). In mild doses, Pulsar venom temporarily inhibits fine motor skills. In large doses, it causes total paralysis and death. Hyper Pulsars are immune to the chemical composition of their own venom.

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code by Leporidactic