Lotus Tirrum



2165458.1418587230.avatar.png N A T U R E

== Female - Child - Mortal - Too Young - Too Young - Basic Jewel ==


Standard jewel (common)
Hair edit (Common)
Small claws (Common)
Pupil edit - Light green coloured rounded cross shape (Uncommon)
Standard ram horns (Uncommon)
Nose edit - Slimmer nose (Uncommon)
Sparkles - The fur on and around the green-blue-pink section sparkles (Rare mutation)


Lotus is a serious 'daddy's girl' and hangs around his tattoo shop as often as he'll let her. She loves to draw on her fur with sharpies and pretend that she's a tatoo artist, just like her dad! She'll even draw on HIM, and her siblings! Not so much her mother - Diane already has so many markings that it's hard to fit any new ones in without drawing over top of things, which Lotus feels doesn't really work. She has zero interest in drawing on paper, too. Bodies or bust! Will sometimes hang around her older sibling Pie when her dad's too busy to let her be in the shop - she finds Pie's projects interesting, though she doesn't appreciate the grime that comes with being a mechanic. Is actually a pretty neat and fastidious kid!