
1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Name: Thana

Age: 101

Personality: A bit Insane, introverted with exravert tendencies, insomnia, anxiety,

Scars/Markings: silver white moon like color lighting style scars all over her left arm across her left brest and covering her entire back

Things she always has on her person: her Grimoire, Goober(a reanimated skull of a horned goblin that can detect Magical iteams and Curses), her satchel of holding, a charmed small book that keeps track of her iteams, gold sooth bell earring(it helps her with Manipulation)


Mage: specializes in Necromancy, Magic Detection(more so traps and barriers), Transmutation, Illusions, Charms, Conjuration(proficient with lighting and weather/storm magic), Evocation(can only use with her left hand because of the scars)

Rouge: a nack for getting into and out of near impossible places, Shadow Step

Ranger: skilled in Survival, Movement Prediction, Cat like reflexes and skills, throwing knives, Short swords,

Apothecary: high tolerance to Poisons, Can sniff out plants used for medicinal purposes,

Likes: Grave Robbing, Hording Magical items or shiny things, Nights, Sweet Tea, Peaches, Explosives, Sleeping, Reading, Rain ( just not at night), Gold, Obsidian, Amethyst,

Dislikes: Being woken up, Crowds, The Living,