
1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Rumi

Age: 23

Gender: Nonbinary, Trans male

Pronouns: They/Them

Sexuality: Pansexual


Rumi is extravagant and loves to be in the spot light. They love mingling with cute things like stuffed animals, flowers, and anything of the sort. They aren’t afraid to express themself, but are very polite when someone questions their taste. They prefer to smile and educate rather than get mad. They take being misgendered in stride, smiling and simply educating and correcting. They love to sit down with nice hot tea, and watch movies! Though not the scary ones. They can’t handle anything too spooky, and is easy to scare. They room with Willow, a tough and kind dog. They make sure to always show off Willow livestreams, whether she's aware of it or not. They also love doing challenges on stream with Willow.

They prefer sweet easy to taste foods, as anything with a small amount of spice tends to make him gag. Though, they are willing to suffer through it if it means they can put a smile on their friend Willow’s face.

Rumi works as a Model, and also willingly owns an onlyfans. They are well loved by their peers and small amount of fans. While they aren’t quite famous yet, they are getting a lot of recognition, and are soon to grow.