· • Percé • ·



1 year, 3 months ago


Part of a closed species and is a common sweet mug loosely based off of a sweet Japanese crêpe with Royal Milk Tea 

Name: Percé

Nickname: Pippi, Percy

Age: ?

Pronouns: She/Her

Gender: ?

Species: Mugbot

Height: 4'6

Alignment: Lawful Good

Sexuality: Demisexual

Occupation: Waitress/Chef in training

Gentle and sweet, always ready to do anything to make people happy and to be of use.

A social chameleon to a fault, she often waits for other people to speak so that she can mimic their speech pattern and attitude. The only exception to that behavior of hers is that she will not mimic anything rude, offensive or negative. When someone acts that way, Percé will immediately revert back to her usual neutral state and almost blank expression.

In the case of sadness, she will always offer to sit down and talk to the individual, hug them and provide them with comforting words of reassurance.

In the case of.. unfortunate workplace accidents... she will help hide the body and not speak of it ever again, she will just carry on with her day as she usually does.