


1 year, 3 months ago




designer gutsfur
game half-life
worth nfs/nft

full name Goredon Freeman
age ???
gender & pronouns male, he/him
height 6'3
weight 192 lbs/87kg
birthday ???
species shiloh shepherd
status undead

layout by teratoma
img by gutsfur


An undead hound, sporting in a bright orange H.E.V suit. Has a fluffy brown hair with one hot pink streak in the front of his hair; a red nose and a crooked jaw. Underneath that H.E.V suit, he has multiple arrows-like stripes in the color of the same color of his nose in both of his arms and hind legs.

wanted for

Originally hunted down due to killing many marines and H.E.C.U, but now everyone is afraid to go near him after he fell down a pool of radioactive substance; falling on his right side but surviving all because he was wearing his H.E.V suit. Though, even so, he's pressumed dead many times but comes back alive due to a mysterious doberman in a suit. Goredon's gotten his name due to how gore-y he looks, creeping fellow scientists out with his maggot-infested right eye and his crooked jaw. Not to mention the exposed skin he has. A dark gooey substance also flows constantly from his maggot-infested right eye; presumably dried blood. He's now wanted to be killed for; a walking radioactive hound.

reward: $600,000