TBN's Comments

Fennix I'm 👀 this is cool af I LOVE the eyes, it would pair super well with another horror character I have. Totally down to offer the $15

Out of curiosity what usage rights come with the design? (Aside from what's on the ownership tab ofc). I'm mostly asking about if I'd have commercial rights, as a writer/artist looking to support myself with my work someday, would I be able to publish+sell a story/webcomic about it or associate it with a patreon or something, or same if I drew a cool print or something using my own art of the design?

Sorry for the bit much of a question lol, I'm trying to figure this stuff out ahead of time so I know what OCs I can use for what projects

AA thank you so much! And yes, no worries I totally understand. You have full commercial rights to this guy ^^ you can use him for whatever, good luck with your journey!

Feel free to send the money to [email protected] on PayPal c: I’ll send’em over right after! 

Awesome! Ty for the reply, I appreciate it. If it'd be possible to throw that in the character permissions for posterity while you're in the ownership tab that could be cool

Payment should be sent! Lmk if there's any issues or anything else you need!

Recieved and added, thank you so much! Sending over now

Looks good, thanks again! :D