The Venatrix



1 year, 3 months ago



Real name (secret); Malloret Manos

Gender/ pronouns: Female, she/ her
Age: 45 years
Date of Birth: October 31st - Scorpio


Outwardly, The Venatrix is a formidable and somewhat uninviting presence. Cold, calm, and calculating, she is a stone statue of a figure that many find hard to fully read or approach. To some, she’s a hero and protector of the innocent, ending the threat of rogue wizardry from taking innocent lives. To others, she is a ruthless hunter, a near omnipresent threat to all who dare to further magical development. Most people agree that she is pretty terrifying.

The Venatrix is a lone hunter with a strong reputation. She prefers it that way- she doesn’t want others to get to know her on a personal level, and they would struggle to get more than a few sentences out of her if they tried. She is a steadfast hunter and a polite, reserved, consummate professional, but she isn’t a friend. She has no time for pleasantries when she is laser focused on business.

Few have gotten to know The Venatrix on any kind of personal level. Almost nobody knows what she gets up to in her spare time when not on the job. The truth is that she is spending her time in solitude, flying her broom through the vast open skies, exploring forests and oceans to sit in nature, or furthering her study and understanding of magic.  It's a lonely life, with a lot of time to think. But being a Venatrix- a wizard hunter- is a responsibility she must shoulder for the benefit of all, and she will focus on her mission without distraction. She is a wizard who hunts wizards, a wizard who hates wizard power, and dedicating her power to stopping others who would misuse it is her greatest purpose and her heaviest burden.