Lymra Meodhaiss



1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: Female

Age: ??? (Looks in 20s)

Birthday: 02/21

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 5’ 11”

Hair color: Green/Teal

Eye color: Blue

Scales Color: Dark Blue

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: None

Loves: Chasing, Desert Heat, BBQ Lamb Ribs

Hates: Forced to Slow Down, Cold Weather (anything below 8°C, Ghia (Bitter Drink)

Lymra is a dragon woman born in the mountains of Europe in the 1900s and raised originally to be a warrior. She fought many battles and even ruled over a small amount of territory for many years. Unlike many of the other dragon people, Lymra got tired of all the loneliness and decided she didn't want to spend the rest of her existence stuck in the mountains. Her early attempts were not only halted by her own people, but The Order was determined to keep her stayed up in the mountains as well. 

It took many years of practice as well as working on magic to hide her dragon parts in plain sight. Eventually, Lymra was finally able to relax and walk freely about the world. She ventures anywhere she thinks it's interesting, from underground tombs to modern cities, Lymra is freely seeing the world at her own pace and experiencing many different sensations. Her enthusiasm can come off as bubbly, at some points animalistic. Tho when she sees someone in trouble, she can’t help but help, even if she’s putting in more force than necessary.