Percival Piglet



1 year, 3 months ago


Percival Piglet is one of the 5 main protagonists of my BattleBlock Theatre AU, in which the prisoners start an uprising against the cats. Prisoners that are part of the rebellion are named the "Hattingtons" after their beloved friend. 

Percival Piglet was one of Hatty's closest friends prior to the shipwreck, and joins the rebellion long after it was formed. He is a perfectionist at heart, and refuses to end a performance until he has collected all the available gems and yarn, even if it means putting himself or others at risk to attain this goal. He often butts heads with ally Skull, as Skull puts him down for his perfectionism. Idris often has to put herself between the two to get them to stop fighting. 

Percival is pretty sensitive about his missing wing. He lost it during a performance after a raccoon dog tore it off. He misses being able to fly, but he is still able to glide with limited success. He is incredibly stubborn, impatient and rude to everyone, but beneath his very rough exterior he is still just as soft and nice as he used to be. 

He has the highest death count of all prisoners besides Hatty himself, and that makes him incredibly feared. Not many people have returned from death so many times and been able to keep their sanity.