Empty's Comments

Anyone in my th interest you?


(That link just gets rid of off limit characters)

I didn't see anyone I would use, srry! ty for offering tho :0

All good! I can also offer art :)

Can offer a full, 2 headshots, and a chibi :D


ooo ur art is so cute! I'll consider :0

Actually . . . I can ab2 with points 👁 

AAAAA HECK SORRY IM LITERALLY SO BLIND I CANT READ NUMBERS OMG I can only get ab1 but for the inconvenience I can add like 2 fulls AAAAA IM REALLY SORRY

If you can hold for a couple days though I can ab2

1 Replies

a detailed icon a headshot and a cat custom ?

totally considering omg gf art reeeeeeeeeeeeee


kiss u on the cheek


why dont you already kiss me in the mouth huh

😳I mean I can do that too if u want....

5 Replies