


1 year, 7 months ago


Torrent, a Decepticon deflect who's a master at avoiding responsibilities.

She's an old mech, old enough to see the decepticon-autobot war go on. When Megatron was recruiting his earlier troupes, she was absolutely moved by his intentions and wanted to participate in his ideology. But the TFA universe Decepticons were an absolute Chaos even in the early days, so she deflected in the first battle she fought. She was spotted by general Strika while flying off the battlefield into space and has been on the wanted list ever since. She has been wandering in space, visiting neutral planets for fuel and bought herself a little spaceship to travel on. After the war ended with the matrix going missing, she returned to Cybertron where she lurked around a bit. In the new Cybertron, Decepticons were considered to be gone and she gains hope that she may live a normal life among other people, which quickly vanishes after she found out that was a lie.

 She has the total of zero friends because of her moving around so much and keeps herself company by maintaining her spaceship and herself every chance she got. Her motto is to live a day longer, even if it means abandoning the things you love.

She has avoidant tendencies and she is quite insecure, but she is a skilled mechanic and can be quite useful if she wants to be.

Her alt mode is an old Cybertronian mini jet that can reach to high speeds, but she has a little fuel tank and cannot fly very long. She usually travels with an old space ship she purchased at a random planet in space. 

 Relationships: A local coffee-oil-shop mech gained interest in her and she... does not know how to deal with it honestly.