Dr. Joyce Jackary Crown



1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info




[This information is classified.]

My family? I don't know what you're talking about. I have a family? Ahaha, very funny. Now leave me alone, I have to sort out these papers.

Why can't I remember my childhood? It's all blurry.

Why can't I remember my birthday? I can't remember celebrating anything with my brothers. Do I even have a brother?


You know, I'm completely loyal to this lab. I'd dedicate anything— and I mean it.


It started with a low light
Next thing I knew they ripped me from my bed ...
And then they took my blood type!
It left a strange impression in my head.

Funny guy


Any pronouns but mostly he/she/they, he is genderfluid and bisexual! He is cupiosexual and aromantic and longs to experience love in a "normal" way. But due to his circumstances, that may as well be impossible.

ive gotta redo this i hate it

She's an anomaly. But the Crowns have always been anomalous, so that should come as no surprise.

Fun facts!

  • He despises milk.
  • He has NPD, autism, and ADHD!
  • No I'm serious he really really hates milk
  • He has a very "dissolved" sense of self, to put it into words. That meaning he doesn't know who or what he is. 
  • His favorite fruit is blueberries. He also likes durian. 
  • His favorite animals are ferrets, but he thinks that if he were an animal, he'd be a jerboa or gerbil. 
  • He loves wearing dresses! He loves pink and frilly things, as well as ribbons.
  • He is not lactose-intolerant He just really really REALLY hates milk, just to make things clear.
  • He has never had a birthday party, at least not one that he can remember.
  • He copes by laughing and smiling, which is a very inappropriate reaction to most of the things he witnesses.
  • He has chronophobia, the fear of the future, and lilapsophobia, the fear of tornadoes. He may or not have thanatophobia although he's very private about it.
  • He frequently winces and closes his right eye when startled, but never his left eye. He likes  the saying "An eye for an eye" a lot. Just not his right...
  • He's seen as charismatic and friendly around the labs, but outside of it, people would be rather... scared of him. Not like he can go outside anyways.
  • He's one of the smartest people out of the main group of characters, although maybe it does get hard to tell sometimes! Leolin is also pretty smart.
  • His eye never shines. Whichever body is host of his consciousness keeps the body's eye color but also gains a cyan (#50c5df) eye color as a highlight... and they also lose their eye shine. This just signifies that his eyes are, really, devoid of life. He's a freak of nature, and that's also why Leolin is scared of meeting his eyes, because death staring life in the face sounds pretty damn scary.
    • That being said, his eyes do give off a little hint of life when he sees his boyfriend.
  • He's not good with children, as he doesn't know how to take care of them and he gets distracted easily.
  • His favorite pokemon is furret :D His favorite mythical would be Jirachi!
  • He hates cheese.
  • He owns many fake plants, due to him not liking when real plants die (he's a bit scared of the fragility of life, so to say). Though, he treasures the plants he owns, surprisingly, and takes care of them very well.
  • Please do not let him in your kitchen
  • His love language is gift giving. He's not big on physical touch because of his discomfort in his bodies but he wishes he could spend more quality time with Sili... though being chucked up in the lab all day and night practically living off of coffee deprives him of most opportunities to have time to himself.
  • If he knew about the SCP world his favorite personnel would be Dr. Clef!
  • He has died far, far too many times. Over 400, at least. Those friends, all of those friends, he'd say that 99% of them were shallow as hell. Sure, he knew them, but not really. Not like they ever knew him, either. 
  • He is a very existential nihilist and a pessimist.