Dr. Val Novak



6 years, 2 months ago


Dr. Val, Novak

Full name
Novak Val
Date of Birth
02/12/1976 [41]
AT Scientific Surveyor
195cm / 6’4ft
Physics PhD,
Surveyor Status
Surveyor [Resident]
The Son of Dr. Desanka Val has begun sowing the seeds of succeeding his mother: involved in The Fields Eastern Forest Fires and has now gone AWOL alongside Dr. Ko Minji, Dr. Kanti Nia, and Adam Rowe. Mild-mannered if oblivious. Novak is a better scientist than human. Fortunately, his work and knowledge almost make up for his virtually nonexistent communication skills.

Novak is experiencing emotions he's felt oftentimes during transitional periods in his life. Changing schools, his mother dying, K leaving, changing jobs, each time fearful he will not make it. For a while the Field offered an escape, that perhaps he was finally functional, but once again he feels the transitional period, and at this point, the world is entirely too much..


Nia | Friend / Co-worker
Friends since their 20's. He doesn't know why she intertwined herself with something so destructive, he thought she was happy with her life. Nia is a grounding agent for Novak most of the time, but he doesn't know who he's talking to anymore. Occasionally things feel normal, but after the fire, it grows increasingly difficult.

Minji | Friend / Co-worker
Envious sounds too bitter or resentful, but Minji seems to have all the problems Novak has and more, just none of the anxiety, and all of the energy to keep moving. He's miffed and frustrated that he cannot be the same, but it did give him a reference point for a while. After Minji and Nia let him in on their secret, he's relieved for a while to not be out of the loop, but he quickly realizes Minji is not the same person.

Adam | Co-worker
Adam is hard to read. Novak extended a hand to Adam knowing that the man was struggling to adapt. It did not take long for Adam to accompany Novak on his geo and biological surveys, which got Novak out of his head for the most part, despite them not talking much. Adam eventually became more talkative, Novak leaving the conversations feeling destabilized and more distrustful of his former friends. Minji recruits Adam as she did Novak, and Novak witnesses Adam emerge more clearheaded, focused and incredibly willing to participate.

K | Sister
Novak was spared bullying for the rest of his life due to his sister, K, knocking the older brother of his aggressor out, cracking his skull on the concrete. Naturally K obtained most of the attention from their parents, faculties and authorities as the 'problem child', which pushed Novak to not put anymore strain on his parents, or anyone else than what he deemed necessary. K really was his only friend prior to Nia. Friend, sibling and definitely role-model-- without her he wouldn't be in physically healthy shape, nor have as big of a deep fixation on natural facets of the Earth. When K left for good, even as a 37 year old, Novak was devastated and struggled to regain normalcy.

Ms. Fortescue | Hostile
Fortescue executes a town-wide manhunt for him and Nia after--hopefully--setting free her newest bio weapon. Novak assumes she's unpleasant to exist around.