


1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Head of the Guild (mob boss)

Fae type



Once the Anchor to the spirit of Aranéide, Therion turned his back to the Spider tribes and founded the Guild, a criminal organization. He is now a fearsome criminal, an elusive hunter, and... a questionable father figure to the Guild's younger members.

An Anchor is a Spider Fae whose spirit has been  intricately interlaced with the woven stories and memories of an ancient  warrior and legend. They can call upon this power and use it to protect  their people, but it comes at a high price. Anchors often cannot bear  this weight and many end up going mad, or are overtaken by the memories  and lose their identity. Still, it is considered a high honour to be  chosen, and despite how rare it is for an Anchor to live long or  peaceful lives, rarer still are ones who refuse or abandon their duty.

- He's very much a morally grey character. He's fighting to take down a system that has harmed him and many others, and he's not afraid to stoop down to immoral and brutal methods to further his goals. Still, he can be a very warm and protective person, and he acts as a strong pillar to his community.

- He's a father at heart. If he sees a kid or a young person in need of help, he can't help but pick them up like some kind of poor lost kitten. Most of the members of the Guild are orphans or abandoned kids he took under his wing and basically raised. 

- He's very good at playing the role of the big bad evil guy. It's not ALWAYS a role of course, like I said, he does do some pretty awful shit sometimes. But there are also times where simply acting threatening and counting on his reputation is enough for him to get what he wants, and he'll happily lean into that, especially if it allows him to avoid hurting innocents (but it's also for the fun of it sometimes tbh).

- He acts casual, friendly, familiar, even. He tends to be very tactile. He moves slowly and deliberately, which often feels a bit threatening, like a predator trying not to scare his prey away.

- Lost his right leg when he was an Anchor. I don't have the details worked out yet, but it was probably one of the events that sparked his rebellion, so that missing leg probably occupies an important place in his psyche. I need to redesign his prosthesis eventually, but the general idea is that he's moving it using one of his 2 bonus arms (inspired by how insects and spiders can lose legs without it being a big deal because the other legs compensate for it).

- He's got a bunch of trauma from his time as an Anchor that he absolutely has not worked through. He's learned to mask up and act fine when in public, and he especially tries to put on a strong front around his "kids". His main symptoms from that are constant fidgeting and hyperactivity, hyper vigilance, and chronic nightmares.

Design details:
- He's inspired by a tarantula (Poecilotheria regalis). The tattoos on his arms are inspired by the markings on the spider's legs. I don't have a clear design for them and I tend to wing them or skip them, you're absolutely welcome to do the same if you draw him.
- He has 2 additional arms that can appear and disappear at will. If he's static, he can use both of them however he wants. But if he's in the process of running or walking, he can only use one of them as a hand, as the other one is already used to move his prosthesis. He can shift from one state to the other pretty fast, he's very used to it. He cannot run as good as before, however, especially on rough terrain.
The arms look a bit translucent, like ghost arms, especially at the junction with the body, and are a bit thinner and longer than his actual physical arms.