rodie's Comments

Anyone in my th? Only off limits are Percy , pepper , cashmere and vanilla :3

hey!! i found interest in brenton, whisky, malcom the most but ikinda liked zyan and hashbrown too, i can add in some art if youd be down to trade me multiple

I could do whiskey and Malcom for em!

i was mostly interested in brenton is there anything i can do to add him ?

Do you have anymore ocs ufo? I’d swap him if someone can catch my eye!

yeah anyone on my profile except for my manes folder

did you find anyone u we're interested in ?

6 Replies

also wondering if youd take some art for zyan ^^

Unfortunately I just got zyan so I am very tent with him

thats okay if u find anyone else ur interested in for him pls let me know i can always add art

I can offer anything in my adopts folder for this one

Didnt see any1 sorry!

okie dokie!