Frog Yuu



8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Frog Yuu


Yuu, Yuyu, Yoyo, Froggy, Ribbit


April 4




Female (she/her)




5ft 7in




devil_s_ivy_by_fennecfoxaim-d7j6j23.gif sprouts___plz__by_lalycorn-d388yfa.png Frog . 19 . She/Her sprouts___plz__by_lalycorn-d388yfa.png
Nicknames: Yuu, Yuyu, Yoyo, Froggy, Ribbit
_leaf__by_ebonred-djnce2.gif Female . Biromantic Bisexual . Human (deceased). Virgo _leaf__by_ebonred-djnce2.gif
voice . theme 1 . theme 2 . theme 3 .
September 7

pixel_sprout_by_grandnany-da206yz.png personality:
- Adventurous and a thrill seeker
- Confident and bold
- Doesn't let anything or anyone bring her down, or at least makes it seem that way
- Very encouraging towards others and tries to push them to better themselves without making them go too far out of their comfort zone
- Has no issue butting in to help people who can't themselves like with her boyfriend Duck
- occassionally somewhat perverted/has the mind of a high school boy
hanging_plant_by_spectrum_chan-daz3xpz.p[REF LINK]hanging_plant_by_spectrum_chan-daz3xpz.p
drawing notes:
- she is currently a ghost so to imitate this I usually lower the opacity of her character so that she's actually somewhat see through
- she's half Chinese, half Taiwanese and has a slightly darker skin tone
- x
- x

  • horror films
  • graveyards
  • adventures
  • frogs and ponds
  • stars
  • bows and ribbons
  • winter
  • Spending time with Duck
  • amusement parks
  • boredom
  • chocolate
  • not being able to do some of the same things she used to
  • The thought that she knows one day she's going to have to let Duck go.

  Other Info:

  • Her mother is Taiwanese and her father is Chinese. Her parents met through her father's job and eventually ended up moving to America where Frog lives now.
  • Frog kinda wanders where she pleases but mainly "lives" with Duck now since its less lonely due to the fact he can still see and talk to her while her original family can't.
  • She used to be the head of the track team and was part of the school drama club when she was still alive.

♥ Relationships

+ Partner(s)

Duck (Belongs to me)

+ Family



+ Friends

Those two unnamed gay kids from school.

+ Enemies

______ (Belongs to ____)

______ (Belongs to ____)

______ (Belongs to ____)

Frog was born in Taiwan but has lived both there and in China for a few years when she was very little until her parents decided to move to America permanently towards the begging of middle school. Being not only the new kid but the new kid from a foreign country with poor English, Frog really wasn't able to make many friends most of her school career. That was until she came across Duck. The shy boy that sat alone in the corner of the room was the only one to not turn her away when she tried to enthusiastically approach him in an attempt to make a friend. Not having many friends himself he didn't mind talking with the new foreign girl. And from then on the two of them only got closer.

She was super supportive when Duck came out to her as trans and always did what she could to make him feel comfortable. And in turn he was very sweet in helping her sort out her feelings when she began to question her sexuality. He wasn't helping that for a little while and eventually the two grew from friends to lovers. They were inseparable, always together doing something and had been over to each other's house so many times they had the 'invite yourself in pass' with both families. Their relationship was kept mostly a secret though, leaving their parents to think they were still just really close friends, due to the fact that Duck isn't ready to come out about anything yet.This really didn't affect their relationship though so all was good

Unfortunately this happiness still didn't last long though. One night while Frog was walking home from Duck's house she was hit by a drunk driver. Duck had the pleasure of living just close enough to the accident that he got to make it to the site right before she actually died, medical attention not getting to her fast enough. So she died in his arms basically aHAHA I'm awful.

A while later after the funeral had taken place and Duck had gotten most of (not really) his grieving out of the way, Frog's spirit woke up at the site of the accident. Memories of what had happened had not returned to her yet so she was of course confused to why she was on the side of the road without any of her stuff. Assuming she was mugged or something crazy like that she decided to head back to Duck's house since it was closer so that she could call home and whatnot. However when she reached his house he just so happened to be leaving it at the same time and was very startled by her appearance. After the shock faded and the story came out about her being dead all the memories of what happened came flooding back to Frog.

This news obviously took some adjusting to as well but they realized that since Duck could still see and talk to her things were okay right??? Life could just keep going on as it did before and they could continue to be together for the most part! And so it did for a while. But eventually Frog was starting to realize and acknowledge the fact that she was a ghost now, never aging or changing and not part of the same plane as her boyfriend. Eventually people would start to question why Duck was still 'single'. And once Duck began to age while she stayed 19 forever it would eventually just get weirder and weirder. So now Frog knows that she's going to have to let him go but her fear of being alone again for the rest of her afterlife makes this difficult. He was the only friend she had growing up in a foreign country, its not easy to let go. But she wants better for him and for him to live the rest of his life even more so now that her's was cut short. So for now she tries her best to keep her head up and not that dreaded day bother her until that day comes.