


6 years, 2 months ago


Name: the Sentinel

Aliases: the Sovereign, the Sovereign Queen, the dreaming queen, her holy highness

Domain: the Garden of Sin, a domain of glass and red flowers

Familiar(s): none

Affiliations: none

Physical Description: a tall, slender figure of a deity resembling a woman. she has long, matted hair and terrible, beastly red eyes. the lower half of her legs appear to be made of thin metal fused with human bone, as if any skin and muscle has been torn away. her body is burned and bloodied and wrapped in old bandages. she has long, sharp claws, and is often seen without clothes, or wearing a tattered coat. she smells of burnt skin, metal, and blood, with the faintest hint of fresh flowers. 

Notable Characteristics: voice is raspy save for when she gives a beastly, awful shriek; eyes pierce through human consciousness (and even that of other deities) and her gaze alone can drive them mad; sharp claws, metal legs; despite her ghoulish appearance, wugs are drawn to her; largely pursues her own interests and remains alone in her domain.

Personal Profile: the queen, alone in her domain. she is a lonely creature at the edge of the world, and dreams there alone. it's from there she shapes the world and interacts with it; only under the most extreme of circumstances will she be moved to act on her own, but once she does, she will not stop until she is finished. she is a driven, cold, lonely creature, and though she dreams of a time or place when she can be surrounded by people she loves that love her in return, she remains alone, only dreaming.

Character History: a victor of a single turn of the Rotation who manages to suspend herself from the world and remain hidden from her opponents, much to the chagrin of the other player deities. she dreams of meeting friends and having a family and finally, finally not being alone.