


1 year, 3 months ago



Name Clover

Nickname(s)Clovey, Cloë

Gender Female

Species / Breed Dog / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR)

likes Flowers | Clovers | Spring | Friends

dislikesHurt to her Friends | Clutter | Her glasses


Clover is a sweet little timid dog. She is a gentle soul and a little shy, but when she gets to knwo anyone she'll just open up quickly and warms up to you in notime atall! She likes to spend her free time with her pet bunny named Boop. He used to have an official more serious name, but as he booped Clover time and time again for her attention, it grew into his calling name. She can't even really remember what is original name used to be. He was a rescue, alsmot one year old when Clover adopted him from the pound. Really nothing was known form his past. So she just raised him as she would have with a baby bunny.

Clover sadly does needs her glasses to order to read. But she strongly dislikes them and rather does to wear them atall, eventhough she needs them in the end. When she;s certain she doesn;t needs som reading done where ever she is going. She prefers to leave them at home. 

She has a sweet fower tatoo on her left paw/shoulder. That she is trying to remind herself not to become a totall 'wallflower' and go out and see the world and not to fear to talk to others, eventhough she might not know them atall. She used to be a very silent and shy puppy and used to shy away from most fun activities. Just because she disliked to interact with others. Regretting loads of stuff in the end!


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