Ruka Hokuto



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Ruka Hokuto

Age: 14 

Bey: Flaming Vesta


Unnamed Mother

Unnamed Father

Hibiki Hokuto (Older brother)



~Leader of Cú Chulainn (Irish team)

Early story: 

Ruka lived in the countryside for most of her childhood, but when she was 6 her parents moved to Osaka, bringing her and her big brother Hibiki with them, she missed the countryside but soon she met her best friend and it made things easier for her


Ruka lives in bey city, and normally just lurks, she followed the face hunters for a little while, but when they disbanded, she looked elsewhere, she followed Gingka for a little while, watching his battles and studying how he battles. 

She made her way to tournaments, and managed to get into the top 8, when she battled against Kyoya, it was the first time she had properly met him, the battle came close, but in the end it was Kyoya who came out on top, She took the loss with pride, and promised that one day she would beat him. 

For a while, nobody really knew her, until she hung out with Gingka's gang, she became friends with everyone in the gang, and got to know Kyoya a little bit more over time, and the two got closer.

Being determined to climb the ranks, Ruka started to train hard with her friends, and keep getting stronger, she also learned how to effectively read her opponents moves and how to counter them, and her skills improved greatly, and she even beat Kyoya once, and came close to beating Gingka, but she still has a way to go until she can beat him.

Over time, Ruka gained new hobbies, and played more sports, like Soccer and Karate, and went to the gym, she still trained with Vesta, and by improving her physical strength, she improved her blading aswell.

She also cares for Laureen, a young girl who she found and took in as a little sister, she cares deeply for Laureen and always brings her on trips

During the events of Shogun Steel, she still blades sometimes, but more as a hobby, she has made it to soccer tournaments aswell, and is a black belt in Karate, she also has a daughter and a son, Misa and Daiki Tategami.


Ruka is very stoic and doesn't really show her emotions the whole time, but when she does it is only with those she cares about. When you get to know her, she is an ambitious young girl and can be very sweet and caring, but she has a fiery temper if you do her wrong, hurt her friends or just catch her on a bad day.


Laureen: Ruka took in Laureen when she was young, and she cares for her like she is her little sister, and always bringing her on trips or shopping and taking care of her.

Madoka: Ruka sometimes helps out Madoka with maintaining beys, and learns quite a lot from her when hanging around with her, Madoka is a dear friend to Ruka and enjoys her time with her

Kyoya: Ruka and Kyoya had a rocky start, constantly passing snide little comments to each other and snapping at the other. 

Over time, being with mutual friends, they learned to be civil together and slowly getting along, and getting closer. 

Ruka was the first to develop feelings, but she was determined to go to her grave keeping that secret, especially since they used to constantly be fighting, she would have been mortified to confess to him.

She was incredibly shocked when Kyoya confessed to her first, though.

Hibiki: Hibiki is Ruka's big brother and she loves him dearly, she trains with him on the weekends and he brings her to cafès to talk to her about her studies and training, he approves of most of her friends, except Kyoya, and has made it clear that he thinks that Kyoya wouldn't be good for her. As you can see Hibiki is protective of his little sister but he means well.

~SpringSkullShpping Story~

~Kyoya X Ruka~ 

Ruka was a rising star in the blading world, but she was determined to climb the ranks, so she began to study the techniques and strategies used by stronger bladers, one of them bladers being Kyoya.

She began to observe his bey battles, and cooking up ways to counter his attacks if they ever were to battle.

Their first actual battle was in a tournament, and Ruka was positive that she could win, but she kept up her poker face.

She came close to beating Kyoya, extremely close, but of course, not close enough.

Since then, Ruka had been determined to beat Kyoya, and he noticed her skill, and decided he had to keep an eye on her.

It was at this time that Ruka had been introduced into Gingka's gang, and was hanging out with them, although at this time Kyoya and Ruka had a rivalry going on, and wouldn't stay civil with the fighting talk, and would throw comments at each other, but despite how to looked, neither of them meant it maliciously.

Over time, they decided to get to know each other, so they'd train together and sometimes go out for a smoothie together, and chat over smoothies, and so they began acting civil, and over time, they became close friends, and Ruka's friends would tease her about crushing on Kyoya.

Kyoya got a few comments from friends, aswell.

It was actually Ruka who developed feelings first, but there was no way in any universe she would admit it, her friends would never let her live it down, so she sat on the feelings and waited for them to go away, but she kept finding herself hanging out with Kyoya more and more, and found it strange how she was alone with him more often, had the rest of the group just up and left??

During one of their chats over a smoothie, Kyoya was the one to confess, much to Ruka's shock, but she accepted, and they became a couple.

Neither of them were very physical with the other, or very affectionate, just a small hug and a kiss was enough for them, they knew they didn't need to be overly affectionate in public, in private, they were a bit more affectionate, but not by much, but they'd cuddle while watching films.

When they weren't training, the ideal date was a walk though a wooded area or as always, smoothies.

They'd also go to the zoo, and they had a lot of photos together from dates.

When they got older, they moved in together, but waited a while to get married, and when they did, it was an outdoor wedding and only close friends attended, and 2 years later they had 2 children, one boy and one girl, Misa and Daiki Tategami

Despite the pair having a rocky start, they got better, and had a happy story together.

~Work in progress~