Crescent Shine



Basic Info

Bought for

Six dollars


Crescent Shine
alias Crescent
age 25
gender male
prns he/him
orient bisexual
species alicorn
cutie mark none
birthday Nov 8
height 6'5

Crescent was a failed experiment by Sunburst to make a powerful foal form pure elemental magic by celestias request . Crescent was made as a attempt with sunbursts own magic and princess Lunas and thus he was created , but he isn’t what celestia had in mind so he was deemed a failure . Sunburst grew a attachment however for the first attempt of his long term experiment so he kept him around using him as a lab hand. Crescent isn’t allowed to leave the lab unless it’s to go to the castles , celestia doesn’t support his existence and would rather keep it unwraps . Since he hasn’t had much social experience growing up he comes off rather awkward and socially unkempt . He doesn’t care much about his appearance to the point all the mirrors in his personal room are cover up .

  • girls
  • the moon
  • cleaning
  • apple sauce
  • sliver
  • mirrors
  • luna
  • pastiries
  • dreaming

art by nothegarden and tubofflesh | code by fabie