


6 years, 2 months ago


His name is Sin and he is one of Aurora's many demon imps. Only something went wrong when his soul was converted to this form. He somehow managed to resist Aurora's magic somewhat and thus turned out weaker and smaller than the other imps. On top of that he retained his memories of his old life and clung onto his morals and humanity. This is quite a bit of a problem for a fallen goddess wanting to cause chaos amongst mortals. His brother (i have him sketched too) went through the conversion process fine and even embraced aurora's magic so he turned into a big strong imp. Still Aurora wasn't going to scrap Sin, and start over, that would be a waste of energy. So to keep his pesky morals in check, she cursed him with lil paranoia and insomnia inducing shadow demons. Anytime he would try to interfere with Aurora's tormenting of mortals, the lil demons would assault his sensitive ears with horrible whispers of his own worst fears, intrusive thoughts and past experiences until he would back off. Thus Sin is stuck being an unwilling servant to the fallen goddess, though luckily for him, he is mostly used as a messenger and doing other small chores. But still..He witnesses some horrible things..He wants out..but there is no escape from the fallen goddess and her all seeing demon king Rexodus.