
1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Kyle McCarley


Boulderclan(Formerly)The Dark Forest






Blackeel was unhinged, reckless and dangerously ambitious. Fear was a word he seldom acknowledged and dove headlong into things, often nearly costing his own life, it was never enough for him. Being built scrawny, he was the type to rely on his swiftness in battle rather then muscle which eventually earned him his name “eel” from being able to slip out of his enemies grasp with ease like a slippery eel.

Blackeel was a single child, his parents were barely around as they’d been far to busy fighting the war Boulderstar caused. This resulted  him to cling to his first dearest friend; Wanderinghymn. Who, he admired greatly, often trying to copy from how he walked but could never shake the energetic pace from his steps. He and Wanderinghymn often daydreamed together as kits for a Triumphant future, only Blackeel had more ambitious plans.. once Wanderinghymn was named deputy Blackeel openly indulged himself in what he believed to be ‘the perfect destiny’ that they were the stars of Boulderclan and everyone should bow to them.

Wanderinghymn although unspoken, didn’t agree with Blackeel’s vision, and was seen distancing himself more and more from him to hang out with his mate Glimmerstar. Blackeel resented this, he longed to make his friend proud and agree with his vision.

However Glimmerstar, also grew jealous of Blackeel’s closeness, so-much-so she eventually convinced Wanderinghymn to execute a deadly plot that would end Blackeel’s life.


Blackeel, still unaware his dearest friend had set up his death, awaited Wanderinghymn in The Place of No Stars while obediently serving the residents in control there and quickly proved himself a valuable asset to their sinister needs- he was put in the position of commander.

One day, the day he’d always hoped had finally come- Wanderinghymn had arrived, but when Blackeel expected heartwarming embrace and pride, he was met with horror and disgust. The friend he’d once come to worship had changed, foretelling of a vision to bring the most remorseful, redeemable cats home to Starclan. worst of all, Glimmerstar was there beside Wanderinghymn completely oblivious and innocent and still clearly having one paw wrapped around Wanderinghymn’s heart.

There was also something his former friend wasn’t telling him. With all that, Blackeel’s loyalty shattered and drove him to serve the most wicked cats and carry out their callous acts, fighting against his friends vision.

And eventually… uncover how he really died.


he’s lanky, gangly but long-built. With dark grey fur that fades into black at the back and a lighter grey at the belly, his fur is short and wiry. With a long tail and long ears which the right has received a nick and tare. His eyes are yellow, and it is speculated that he has trouble seeing at times.


He’s unhinged, reckless and dangerously ambitious. Fear was a word he seldom acknowledged and dove headlong into things, often nearly costing his own life, it was never enough for him. He desired respect and approval from the few he held dear but at the end of the day what drove his actions was the foolish belief that nothing except him and his friend mattered- and that the stars were theirs- everything was theirs. And even in death, even with his trust shattered, he still follows this belief as a code of conduct.