NSFW commissions!'s Comments

If you ever do a single character NSFW I’d love to know! 

Hey good afternnoon!

I do NSFW for single characters, but not on this format, because it's easier for me draw couples for some reason, if you want a NSFW for one character only you can ask on one of this format https://toyhou.se/20331543.commissions-are-open-, if you're interested you can send me a inbox <3

Oh I see! Ty for redirecting me and once I get paid I’ll definitely shoot ya a message! Tysm ^0^

Thanks to you for considering commissioning me <3

Hey mate just so you know, I’m not sure if the character is mature locked or not but regardless anyone can see the pfp/it’s nsfw and you can get in trouble for the pfp, I would change if I were you

I might just have to commission you though,,, very good art!

Ohh, I had it on mature, but I don't know if it would show the icon, I thought that it may just show to people that has mature content enabled, but I will change the pfp, thanks for telling me <3!

And yes, you can commission me any time you want, I'm very happy you like my art enoug to consider it <3!

Yeah ofc! It really should do that but it doesn’t for some reason so whenever I browse for NSFW commissions I often have to give people a heads up as I have been victim to having profiles removed before by admin lol

Do you do singular character NSFW? like a perspective piece/staring down at someone? (-:

Hey good afternoon!

In this format I don't do single characters, just because is way easier for me to draw them as a couple, you can ask for a single nsfw on this format tho https://toyhou.se/20331543.commissions-are-open- 

I don't mention it there but I do NSFW on that art style as well :D!