Red Licorice Cookie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Crash_Pilot Global Rules

I understand there is a lot here. I ask that you at least skim the titles you feel apply the most to your current situation.


Cannot be sold for inflated prices/over value. If someone offers over the value that is fine, but a character worth 20$ cannot be advertised as 50$. The only exception is emergency sales to cover things such as bills or medical expenses.


Change a character however you like. Palettes, Patterns, Clothing, Ect. My big things NOT allowed to be changed are things such as: POC being Lightened, Visibly Trans characters being turned Cis, Chubby Characters being Slimmed, ect. Erasure of marginalized features is not okay.


My Designs are not to be removed from If selling to someone offsite please contact me and transfer the character. I will hold onto it until it is traded to someone with a Make sure the offsite owner is aware of this. I am not responsible for lost characters due to offsite sales.


Deleting my characters from I ask to be avoided. If it is simply you no longer want the design but cannot trade it, please DM me. If it is something like you are leaving, then please let me know before deletion.


I will not tell you to keep my characters on full visiblity. The internet is a weird place, and I understand. If you do hide my designs behind authorized only, please authorize me and if you can- message me. If you hide my design to ONLY you, please message me. Otherwise I might think that a design has been stolen, lost, or is doing something shady.

Commercial Use and Physical Media

I encourage creation of physical media such as fursuits, badges, sculpture, plushies, paintings, ect. I do not restrict such. Nor do I require credit at every step, only that you do not claim the design as your own creation. If you are using a character Commercially please DM me. I do not ask for compensation or commission, only that you let me know. This is to prevent theft, as some shady companies have been known to steal designs.

NSFW and Controversial Content

sexual NSFW of my designs is allowed with some restrictions. The character must be of age and the sexual NSFW content MUST be restricted to adult only spaces and properly tagged. Gore NSFW must be properly tagged to avoid triggering others. Controverial material is a bit slippery. While I cannot restrict beliefs I do ask that you respect these. Anything morally wrong and/or in support of violating human rights, not just a preference, is however not a suggestion and is a requirement to follow. This list includes: Zoophilic content such as animal genitalia, Homophobic/Transphobic content, Rape, Incest, CP, or other illegal media, violations of human rights such as "Prolife"/Anti Abortions, Support of Genocides, Racism, ect. Please do not use my design to target specific users on the internet provided they do not pose a genuine threat.

Trade Rules/Cooldown

I do not have a cooldown on my designs, nor strict trade rules beyond no inflation selling/scalping. You can resell for money, art, DA points- whatever.

Species(Closed, Open, Despecieing, Ect)

I do not restrict what species my designs are removed from or added to. Many designers do, but I do not.

Freebies/Received for Free

If the initial character was received for free then have no value until art is added. This means if when I created it and I say, raffled it, then it would have no value until added upon. If you get a character as a gift, freebie from another user, ect, then it retains its value. I do ask that if you receive a character for free you do not resell it without additions, but you may.

Co-Ownership and Takebacks

I do not reccomend Co-Owning with anyone but those you trust. If a problem arises, that's your problem, not mine, and I will not take stance. Takebacks(as in without the owner's consent) are not okay. I will never takeback a design from anyone due to violation of my TOS. You will be blocked, blacklisted, but I cannot take back a character you paid for.

Amino Policy

My designs are BANNED from being sold, traded, or otherwise posted for sale on Amino. In any way shape or form.