Beast I- Níðhöggr



1 year, 3 months ago


Class | Name
Noble Phantasm:

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Rank: ? Class: Anti-???

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A great wyrm said to inhabit the roots of Yggdrasil. The gigantic beast who carried the titles of the black dragon and corpse eater. His name is derived in part by the word Viking Níð which meant someone who was villainous or dishonorable. This caused many to view him as solely a monster who ate corpses in Náströnd. Modern scholars debate whether he was a being of ruination or rebirth, but due to the overwhelmingly negative view of him this was the myth recorded in the World.

Bond 1

Originally a phantasmal beast who inhabited the roots of the world tree, Níðhöggr has since altered his origin and incorporated various other elements into his saint graph. This has created the calamity that would become an Evil of Humanity. Due to his name originating from the concept of “Níð” he has incorporated aspects of its meaning into his very spirit core. Níð was a term that also was used to diminish those with physical disabilities, men who bottomed, and men who practiced witchcraft. These individuals were outcasts who broke norms and as such were exiled. While sitting in the dark Níðhöggr resonated with their pain and heard their cries. The plight of the unwanted mirrored so much of his own darkness, and he in turn became their champion. “This world wasn’t made for us and so I’ll burn it to the ground”. This is his thought process as a Beast of Calamity. He loves those who have been forsaken, and will destroy mankind for their biases and judgements. May all feel the pain of being isolated and alone.

Bond 2


Bond 3

Authority of the Beast: A An anti-humanity skill. Níðhöggr gains this skill by the virtue of his eons of isolation and loneliness. A special skill that deals extra damage to any creature that has felt left out or unwanted. It almost acts like a sedative that makes intelligent life form crave death from him to purge these feelings. An ultimate form of mental pollution. Independent Manifestation: C A skill that allows for the unrestricted manifestation in any point in time or space. Its ranking is slightly lower compared to other Beast classes. This is due to Níðhöggr being bound underneath Yggdrasil in his myths. This restriction makes him physically “gnaw” through time/space to manifest in the desired location, which takes a bit of time. It's more of an inconvenience than a limitation however. Nega-Group: EX The skill of the Beast who embodies isolation. It's a skill that creates an atmosphere where cooperation is impossible. Allies turn on each other, combo attacks fail, and even your sense (perception) of your allies becomes defective. This skill also degrades the effectiveness of Noble Phantasms of servants affiliated with famous groups such as The Knights of the Round.

Bond 4nghdn

Bond 5

A great dragon condemned to spend eternity alone at the bottom of existence. Trapped in the dark with only a taunting voice to occasionally prod him. When one is denied all companionship of course this would be the natural outcome. It created a calamity that wishes to destroy the human order to get vengeance for its solitude. Taking all bonds and breaking them through death. And yet he still loves humanity, especially those who have been cast out. Perhaps what this Beast truly desired was to be welcomed and accepted by anyone, but lacked the knowledge to do so. It will destroy the world while thinking “I wonder if any of them are impressed by my greatness…of course they are! I got revenge for them!”. A truly pitiable creature. His Class was determined by this true nature described above. The title of Great Wyrm and the like are nothing but false monikers. Its name is Beast I/A. One of the Seven Evils of Humanity, the beast carrying the principle of “Exclusion”.






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Lullah, edited heavily by Ghostingtown!" >