


1 year, 2 months ago


Full Name Dante Lighieri
Gender Male
Age 21
Orientation Bisexual
Species/Race Human
Height 172.72cm
Blood type X
Build Lanky
Hometown Cocoa Weed
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A young man who has set out to find his father after he abandoned him, Having gone to find killer of (names) mother and leaving him in the care of a family friend who is the one that taught him to use the bow and survive in the wilderness.



Dante is quiet and awkward. Has some trouble talking with others and can sometimes be blunter or even rude without meaning to, finding it hard to understand more subtle things of socializing, wishing that people would just be upfront with things that they are trying to say. He always finds himself giving in to his curious side, anytime someone makes a proposition to him, he feels the need to at least hear them out, usually taking them up on it to see where it leads. along with that its hard to stay happy for long, his emotions seemingly always drifting back to memories of when he was a happy child with two loving parents and living in a cozy little town, His stoic way of presenting himself hiding the fact that the thoughts of his mother no longer being alive is something that hangs heavy on his head continously.(<< his mentor gave him the advice of never forgetting his mother and her memory, meaning it in a positive way, to honor her and live a life that would make her proud of him, sadly, his grief-striken mind flipped it around, making him focus on it and leading him to have such a hard time finging joy.) He enjoys medietating and writing poems and short stories. He only barely knows how to swim.


  • Snow & Cold weather
  • Citrus fruits
  • Writing


  • Abandonment
  • Liars
  • Swimming


The catalyst for him leaving his home

To start, his mother and father were once a marine spy and pirate respectivly, once cutthroat enemies, somehow love formed between the two and both managed to run away from their groups to live happily with one another in a small, snowy town. Sadly happiness couldn't last, the Marines, not wanting secrets that she may have gotten in her time working for them, decide to find her and take her out to secure those secrets. After his mother was killed, his father, blinded with grief and anger, leaves him in the care of a close friend he made just on the outside of the town, an older woman who was a retired pirate and now living as a hunter, selling what she can get from her kills. his father sets out to sea on the first ship that he can find that would offer him passage, leaving his son to live without his family for 10 years.

Setting out and everything that goes on afterwards

10 years pass, Dante is now 21 years old and the woman who had been taking care of him and taught him how to hunt, to use a bow and how to live of the land is now dead and he has spent so long living on the outskirts of town that it now feels like a foreign area to him. Realizing that he didn't have any reason to be in the town and that the wounds of his mothers death and his fathers abandonment were still fresh to him. He decides to laeve the town himself, setting out to find his father, wanting to have answers as to why he left.





Holds a deep resentment towards him due to being left at such a confusing time.


tbn mentor


Appreciates her raising him and teaches him what he knows but she was closed off emotianally and rather tough on him, leading to their relationship not being the best.


Little Lion Man

Mumford & Sons



Itchin' on a Photograph
