Pufferfish (Lango Blacksmith)



1 year, 4 months ago


Design by quaili

Name: Pufferfish (Puffy)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Tribe: Seawing
Age: too lazy to do math rn DY (22 HY)
Appearance: An effeminate looking, beautiful male Seawing with green scales, bright blue glowscales, red eyes and a red bandana. He has little full body markings that resemble pufferfish spines.. Doesn't like to wear jewlery if he can help it. He is 1.5x the average size for a Seawing (aka shorter than average, like a 5ft tall dude vs an average 5.5ft tall dude.).

Birthday: August 12th
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Residence: An dormant volcano island in the Sea Kingdom close to the mainland. Has to travel to the mainland often to get the materials he needs.
Rank/Occupation: Amature Langourite Blacksmith (Modern)
Powers: Standard Seawing abilities.
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Personality: Pufferfish is highly intelligent, and has a knack for figuring things out, despite his lack of knowledge. He likes to experiment, and often messes up. He mistrustful and holds most people at arms-length except for a few select friends in his inner circle. He has abandonment issues thanks to his parents and recently deceased mentor, so he sticks close to his few friends when he can. Pufferfish puffs out his chest when he's mad to try and make himself look bigger.

Strengths: He has pretty good physical strength thanks to his blacksmithing. He pays attention to detail. He has a very good sense of direction, espescially around the Sea Kingdom. He's smart & has a knack for figuring things out.

Weaknesses: He struggles with the slow pace of blacksmithing and often becomes frustrated. He has asthma, so he has to take frequent breaks in order to breathe properly, away from the smoke and fumes. He's clumsy, resulting in breaking nearly all his fingers, and several small burns. He's bad at his job, both experience-wise and just, well, he's just not good at it.
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Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Relationships: 'Mentor'- The Seawing that adopted and raised Pufferfish, who died in the explosion of the Sea Kingdom. Pufferfish viewed them as a parental figure and is still pretty upset about their death. The mentor was also an aspiring Candlemaker on the side, and taught Pufferfish a few things about the craft, not that Pufferfish really excelled at it.

Rán- He finds her fun to bicker with, but respects her knowledge skills as a blacksmith. She reminds him of a grandma that he never had, not that he'd ever admit it out loud.

Other: Pufferfish was orphaned as an egg. His parents were explorers and didn't want, nor could they provide for a dragonet while constantly traveling, so they dropped off his egg at the orphanage. He was raised in the orphanage until he was roughly 1 DY (7 in human yrs). He was adopted by the Seawing who would become his mentor in Blacksmithing. The only thing he has left from his mentor, besides their workshop, tools & knowledge, is the bandana that they gifted him when they officially started training him at 4 DY (15 HY).

He is an amateur blacksmith and relatively recently started learning from his mentor. He is currently very interested in ancient weapons and wants to learn how to make them "the old fashioned way". His mentor was rather "new-age", which Pufferfish didn't really like, but he learned what he could from them regardless. He'll probably need some training from other Langourite Blacksmiths for learning the things that he can't figure out himself. Pufferfish uses candlemaking as a calming technique and as a way to think when he's stressed. Favorite food is shrimp salad.